Jar Jar is a Sith Lord Theory



I read the reddit thread first and laughed so hard, then i actually read it again and strangely… it made f—ing sense. If this actually is true, we all are idiots for hating on TPM and George Lucas is (somewhat) a genius.

Now, granted, this would not automatically redeem the prequels, there’s a lot of crap in there that was bad enough without Jar Jar, but it would make the overall plot, especialyl that in TPM, a lot more interesting and enjoyable.

There’s also the theory that Jar Jar is the sith lord behind Kylo Ren in the new movie, since the new sith lord is an alien, and decribed as “aquatic like”

Time to put on your tin foil hat kiddes

DISCUSS… do you think this is plausible?

The problem with Jar-Jar is that he was literally too dumb. They made him so completely, irreparably dumb in TPM that attempting to pull off a twist like that would have probably killed Star Wars.

How honestly would they have gotten Jar Jar to fit in the story in such a big way? Furthermore, would Jar Jar have been killed before ANH in his duel with Yoda? Honestly, I think Palpatine was probably somehow able to project his force powers into Jar Jar to mind trick people remotely as part of his rise to power. Jar Jar being anything other than a pawn in his machinations would just be completely unbelievable.

Furthermore, how the hell would Qui Gon and Obi Wan BOTH miss Jar Jar using the force around them?

I agree, while the idea if it was true is brilliant, the execution of Jar Jar’s Character in TPM is horribly flawed. The inane fart and poop jokes along with the over-the-top slapstick was a bit much for me, however had they cut out some of those I think it would have made this theory make sense. However, the theory is explained that Jar Jar is purposely playing dumb…

As said in the reddit, the idea is that perhaps Palpatine isn’t aware of his presence or ability, and perhaps that Jar Jar is a re-incarnation of the late Darth Plageuis…

I hardly remember Jar Jar ever doing such in the movie right in front of their eyes… If anything, his usage around them is so subtle it’s hardly noticeable, and it’s clearly stated that the Jedi’s vision is clouded and as a result it’s difficult for them to see who their enemy is.

I feel like trying to shoehorn fumbling bumbling idiocy into the seriously evil and imposing dark side would have ultimately pissed more people off than count dokaface.

I mean, I know this suggests that this is the exact reason they changed it half way, but still, I think if this is true, it’s less of George Lucas being a genius and more of George Lucas being more dumb than people think he is already.

It’s assumed that it was the original plan for Jar Jar rather than an attempt to fix his character, as mentioned in the thread

I know though, that’s what I mean. I know it’s an appreciated theory in light of the prequel set that we actually have, but can you imagine the bitching if halfway through movie two “SUPRISE!” The turdbrained frogman is actually the big bad all along? People would spontaneously combust.

Watch as Disney pulls a special edition on the prequel trilogy and retroactively makes Jar Jar less of a moron.


It would be nice if they added this scene into the prequel trilogy special edition as well imo.

I actually doubt Jar Jar would physically return if this were true, as this might actually cause some controversy, but we may see his body and then the new guy Snoke being the new re-incarnation of Darth Plageuis ( as I suppose Jar Jar was).

This would actually be plausible, they could cut out some scenes easily if they made this theory happen, and the edits would please everyone I guarantee you

  1. The dumbness would be intentional, like Yoda from ESB.
  2. He would likely taken the role of Dooku and maybe even Grievious, being revealed at the end of the Clone wars and killing him would be that pushes Anakin more to the dark side…
  3. They couldn’t sense the MOST powerful Sith right besides them with Palpatine, I doubt they would actually be able to… Besides, my bet would be that he was a master of disguising his powers well.
  4. A lot of things seem a little fishy about most of his scenes, his actor randomly tweeting about the Fact that “it feels good that some secrets are uncovered, no mater how much time has passed”, plus George Lucas’s regrets “about not going through with one character as he had originally planned” makes it quite suspicious ( " Jar Jar is the KEY to all this")… Besides, Lucas’s favorite “fairy tale strategy” would be fitting of him.
  5. There was a deleted scene there Palpatine and Jar Jar were walking together alone with Palpatine thanking Jar Jar for giving him such a power.
  6. The adult swim parody featured the very same theory of jar jar being a sith, and do you know who was co-writer of that episode? GEORGE LUCAS

This actually hasn’t been mentioned in any of the proofs so far… Someone should add this to the reddit theory mega proof…

It’s actually sad this plot wasn’t used, but it may actually be to the benefit of the sequel trilogy. Here’s what I see happening… We see Jar Jar’s body on Jakku or some other planet and think HAHAHAHAHA GLAD HE GOT WHAT HE DESERVED… While appearing as fan service, it actually is a plot device leading up to the ultimate reveal of Darth Plagueis as Snoke (the big bad guy behind Kylo Ren), and how he abandoned Jar Jar’s body for a more potent, capable one resembling his original body(I think Muun if I’m not mistaken). In essence, he shed his skin. Jar Jar being Plageuis explains why he never revealed himself in either the PT or OT because his apprentice would have gone bonkers etc etc, and with his discovered secret of immortality he could wait until his apprentice dies to take over

I think, if this is used in the sequels, it might actually be better than what could have been planed for the Prequels because it makes Jar Jar’s (or plageuis’s) character that much more interesting.

Here’s the video youtube.com/watch?v=5qAKXK_ … be&t=1m26s
Also, When Jar Jar arrives in the underwater kingdom thing, they take him seriously. They point spears at him, and don’t act like he’s just a bumbling idiot. They seem more worried about him than the two Jedi he’s with. Contrast this with the absolute conviction of the federation dudes that the Jedi are a huge potential threat. It is clear soon after that they recognise them as Jedi, so they’re not acting from ignorance…
Not long after, when they’re on the way to the planet’s core, Qui-gon asks Jar Jar why he was banished, and Jar Jar acts very shiftily, saying it was because he was “clumsy” and yes, “you could say that”. He does, though, acknowledge this was “a small part of it”, while being extremely evasive. The Jedi seem skeptical, but presumably don’t think too much more about it. Jar Jar then describes causing great damage.
They are then attacked by a big fish, who is then eaten by another, bigger fish. Qui-gon comments that “There’s always a bigger fish.” - very interesting symbolism…
I really think that this theory was intentionally leaked to measure fans’ reaction to it and if positive, follow through with it in episode VII

cant tell if troll or confirmation lol --> https://twitter.com/hamillhimself/status/672921577533677570

I think it’s legit theory.Like in Harry Potter Sorcer’s of Stone Lord Voldemort manipulate professor Quiell is also dumb like Jar Jar Binks.It’s confirmed Quiell was evil,but Jar Jar Binks I don’t know.

Weren’t you busy being not-here? I think you should probably get back to doing that.

Doing what?Half-Life 2 Episode 3+Half-Life 2 Episode 4(Return To The Ravenholm)=Half-Life 3?

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