Introducing The Test Chamber, The Black Mesa Livestream Show

June 4th, but it’ll be little shorter.

awesome, look forward to watching the next stream!

June 4th - 4pm EST / 8PM GMT

I’ll be on with Jordan, another MP level designer. We’ll be showing off a bit of some stuff that he’s been working on for Black Mesa Multiplayer. As always, we’ll play with you guys afterwards.

Also Update:

I have the last stream all rendered up and ready for uploading to Youtube, but we’re having some technical issuey stuffy stuff going on with the channel. As soon as that is fixed, I’ll make sure to get it up, asap.

Aw I was hoping to get my workshop upload done by the next stream along with the timelapse, will have to aim for the next one, looking forward to June 4th though, can actually watch it live this time ^^

There’s always going to be livestreams…

Even if you don’t manage to be featured on the stream, there’s still the community to provide you with endless feedback :smiley:

You already know what I’m up to Crypt :stuck_out_tongue:

Where can we ask questions for the Stream Q&A? My question is: What are your plans for near future updates regarding (gameplay) changes in BMDM?
Last time was cool so I’m already looking forward to tomorrow’s stream :slight_smile:

Watch the stream and you may find some answers.

Last minute change of plans. We won’t be able to do behind-the-scenes showoff (You’ll be able to see it soon though :wink: ) today for technical reasons (booooo).

We’ll be showing off bm_bravado instead, doing a playthrough with some feedback. We’ll also, as always, have a play-session with the devs and an informal QA session.

On the stream there’s one guy talking to himself, though it appears we are meant to hear a second person… The guy rarely says something, not sure whether it’s the player or another person we’re hearing.
At least the “conversation” doesn’t make any sense since there is no context.

Edit: Yes, it was the player’s voice that was missing. They apparently noticed that someone’s voice was missing, though they thought we heard the player’s voice and not the other one, but it actually was the other way round. At the very end of the stream we could hear the player’s voice for a few seconds.

Lovely stream, guys. :stuck_out_tongue:


I did not hear any Q&A… :< Anyways thx for streaming… It was fun playing with you guys

So normally, we use TeamSpeak or Mumble to communicate, during which I use Push-to-talk. I have my recording/broadcast software (OBS) set up to use push to talk also, just because thats my preference. Since we were doing a single player campaign playthrough, we decided to use skype to do screenshare so that Spencer (the guy you heard) could see me play as I was playing, so we could talk about it. Skype doesn’t us push to talk and I completely forgot about the setting. When asked “hey, can you hear us” and everyone is saying “oh, we can hear once person” I naturally thought they could hear ME and not Spence. Turns out, they could hear Spence, and not me and I completely misunderstood/missed chat during the whole stream.

So you heard Spence the entire time and not me.

If my recording doesn’t have me in it (I’m assuming it won’t), then next week, we’ll do that same stream again (showing off Bravado). Then, we’ll have a proper QA and with me actually being able to be heard.

I am REALLY sorry about that guys, and totally am embarassed that I went for a full hour before realizing it.

I am a numpty.

For future reference, Skype does have push-to-talk in the advanced hotkeys options.

Neat that you talked about the map. Keep us posted if you managed to get the audio thing worked out.

I think we’re just going to do it again, (maybe not a live stream), again next week since the audio didn’t work out.

We’ll get you a video posted with feedback and stuff.

Again, I’ve edited last night’s live stream. You can find it here! I did the best I could with silent Joe.

May 21st Livestream now up on our brand new YouTube Channel! If you followed the old one, you’ll want to follow this one from now on.

Link to the VoD

Also, I haven’t done the media blast yet, but there will be a special Test Chamber livestream this week either Thursday or Friday (Prolly Thursday). It’s to make up for my silliness from last week. It will not be focusing on bm_bravado.

In regards to last weeks livestream, Spence and I will record a quick session of us playing/talking about the mod and upload that. Should be happening this week.

Would you rather me stop editing the highlights of the streams now that you have your own YouTube channel set up?

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.