Internet connection dropping every few seconds

Recently I’ve been having a problem where my internet gets all screwy and will lose connection for a second or two, every ten seconds or so. It’s absolutely infuriating when I’m trying to play online games. My brother has been having the same problem on his computer, so I know it’s not just an issue with my computer, which is connected with a wireless card.

We have, I think, Comcast Internet, and are using a an Xfinity Arris TG862 modem thing.

I’ve had this issue once or twice in the past, and it’s always inexplicably fixed itself after a few days, but it keeps coming back.

Does anyone know what might be causing this?

Could be all sorts of things, but it sounds like it’s something on the part of the ISP. Either they’re doing maintenance on the infrastructure near your home, or the wiring to your house isn’t done so well, or your modem is busted. A service call is probably your best option. Are you both directly connected to the modem, or do you use a router?

We use a router.

I’m also pretty sure it’s the ISP’s fault - there’s no other explanation I can think of for why it starts and stops like it does.

Simple fix:
Your “Xfinity Arris TG862 modem thing” is a piece of crap. Replace it

Complicated fix: Tell your lawmakers at the FCC to re-classify Comcast as Title II “Telecommunications Provider”, also do some research about the 1996 Telecommunications Act.

Because when Comcast merges with TWC there won’t be an option to switch to another real provider unless you live in a Google fiber area.

And they’re gonna make some websites slower than others, for example ads will load faster than the rest of the page, and comcast’s streaming service will be able to pull HD 1080p but on Netflix you’ll only get 240p or whatever. And sites like the pirate bay will not ever load due to request timed out (they can make it that slow)

I’m familiar with the net neutrality issue, but I doubt that it’s responsible for my connection issues.

To the contrary amigo, I think it has everything to do with your poor QoS situation. When a company that big is trying to step over the law I think it’s starting to not really care about customer satisfaction on the same level as it should.

IMO Internet access should be a basic human right, I mean for fuck’s sake, I always forget this but, technically, I can plug in my old dusty DSL modem that I haven’t used in years and it will work, (because every Bell 2wire modem has a default login/password and a weak Walled Garden which is trivial to bypass with any VPN or proxy) So I technically have absolutely free wired high speed internet just because I pay for a land telephone line. I used it for 5 years straight with no bills to pay or anything, some months downloaded over 500GB and at least 3 of my friends are still using the exact same setup which I installed all those years ago. I choose to pay for faster internet (10mbps cable) because the DSL line is only 3mbps and for some reason gives me ~300ms ping in games whenever someone is using the phone or the phone is ringing.

That’s actually hilarious.

So I’ve been doing some research, and it sounds like the problem is just that the gateway itself (Arris TG862) is a piece of shit.

Anyone have any recommendations for a good, preferably cheap modem/router combo?

The Motorola Surfboards are generally considered to be some of the best cable modems available. However I haven’t heard many good things about using any modem’s built-in WiFi. I would say get a good stand-alone modem like the SB6121 and find a cheap, decent, stand-alone wireless router to handle the WLAN. I have a second-hand Linksys WRT54G I got for cheap (~$30) from Goodwill that still works great after a couple years. I have also had good success with an ultra cheap ($20-$30) TP-Link router I got off Newegg a few years ago. Got it for my very un-tech savvy parents, set it up once years ago and haven’t had them complain at all about it since then.

Thanks for the suggestions!

I think the WRT54G is like 10 years old at this point. But it’s still a beast. At least in terms of custom router firmware support.

Anyway, at least here in Canada, you can buy a new (not used) Wireless N router in any computer store for 10$ and a Wireless N USB dongle for just 5$.

My Cable modem is a Thomson DCM475 or similar and it has never given me any problems, even seamlessly driving 3 separate Wifi access points.

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