As imaginative as that is, they will still explode even if they have nothing to attack.
I would be a HECU squad leader personally…I like berets.
I’d love to be a vortigaunt. Shoot lightning out of my hands is my only dream
i’d be a gonarch. There’s something about owning the largest testicle complete with crabs that is quite appealing to me
WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA! So all this time, people talking about Mr. Friendly meant this guy?
yes. That’s the big ugly butt rapist
now it’s pretty
but yea the concept art is FAR superior. I would like to see someone make it a high resolution and detailed model. Probably won’t happen though.
i would be a combine sniper
i would kill someone, and use my vocoder to yell BOOM HEADSHOT
but you’d be invisible and have to hide in a building 168 hours a week,hoping for some random rebel to walk like it’s just one of his normal work days, not seeing the blue laser sights,which is most of the time not the case and the rebel you’re aiming at is Gordon Freeman who is about to shove a grenade up your ass,and then when you’re blasted out of the window by the grenade and you miraculous survived he’s about to rape you with his crowbar. Sounds like fun,doesn’t it?
You just described my dream job.
We’ll I’m a houndeye now.
Chumtoad: The Chumtoad had the place of the Snark in early Half-Life development - it was used to draw Bullsquids away from their nests, hence the Chum. While it never got a place in Half-life, it takes part in several mods.
It should be noted that the Chumtoad-carrying first person model still is in the Half-Life SDK.
The only official Half-Life game the Chumtoad is in is Blue Shift, where at the bottom of a dark Xen pond the player can bash through a wall and gain entrance to Chumtoad’s Lair. When the player strays too close the Chumtoads disappear, instead giving access to a handful of Snarks. This possibly reflects Half-Life development.
During the beginning of Half-Life: Blue Shift, you could see a Chumtoad right next to you. If you went into Barney’s locker, and shoot the box in there with all the ammo you had with your gun from the armory, the box would break, and a Chumtoad would appear.
Also featured in Sven Co-op. Damn, they revived a lot of cut things in that mod.
I would be a Shock Trooper.
A chumtoad is also in Opposing Force.
Right before you see Freeman jumping through the portal to Xen.
Heres a video to it.
Heres another video of it with better sound quality.
i would be a cock roach at black mesa (the facility not the mod) and just hide forever so i wouldnt die
You would die eventually as Black Mesa exploded in a huge ass bomb.
But cockroaches can survive nuclear explosions.