I want to start learning to use source sdk and creating a mod, so I created a mod, when I went into hammer editor and clicked File,; New, it was black and had no grid on any of the boxes, how to I fix this problem?
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This error is usually caused by incompatible Source Engine versions & games. Try using Half-Life 2 on the 2009 engine on the SDK, on the main menu before you load up Hammer. This should sort it.
By the way deadlife, nice signature, I work for Hazard Team!
The “create a mod” button is usually for those who want to re-code the game, modifying C++ files and rebuilding it. For someone starting out, you may just want to pick HL2 Ep2 as the SDK game, then create new levels in Hammer. Heck, some mod teams made some very interesting and unique singleplayer mods without modifying any code.
Ok thanks I’ll try that, Also that’s cool, what do you do on the team?
Hmm…I can do that I guess.
Hopefully it’ll work. Also, when you have actually set up the mod files, make sure you set up the FGD by linking it to the SDK.
Lol, I’m a level designer on the team handling Uplink & the first chapter.
The error is because your mod’s SDK version is different from Half-Life 2 EP2.
You need to change the GameInfo.txt to make it work, and add the mod to Source 2009 in the SDK instead of 2007. But as Katana said, you may aswell just create maps for Half-Life 2.
I started with small maps like a cellar or my own flat to test my mapping skills and now I am at the point where I create maps for Counter-Strike: Source, but nothing more. I wouldn’t even dare myself creating a mod. For what I have heard and read you need very much time, experience and good plans to create a mod. You really should try some small maps at first if you are completely new to Hammer Editor.