Probably one of the shortcuts they took to move rendering power over to more prominent things. I’d imagine there are a lot of weird optimization decisions like that in the game.
That’s just an excuse to make low-res textures.
Kinda like using the force to make shitty movies in the Star Wars universe.
Do you work for a news station by chance?
[color=blue]FUD part 5![/size]
[color=red]4 MOAR DAYS[/size]
That’s right, future-Lasky. Shrug off those massive cryo-allergy blisters like a MAN.
the hyper/slip-space scene was badass
Those slipspace transition effects were probably the coolest in any Halo media. In all the other media, the transition is just a bright blob of light. The FUD transitions look like the ships are being enveloped into dark-energy space holes, which is pretty awesome (and more in line with what I’ve always imagined from the books).
lol did they use the untouched in-game hunter model in that scene?
Also fml limited edition is gone from the universe. I’ve NEVER bought a regular edition of any of the Halo games I own. God damn it. I guess I’ll have to sit on it a bit and wait for some places to restock.
Yup. All 3D assets are from Halo 4 apparently, including that Pelican. Makes for some odd chronology issues, although most of them aren’t hard to justify canonically.
Well, I mean the elites and jackals had at least a displacement map and the full rez textures to look feature quality… But that looked literally untouched.
Glad i pre ordered the Ltd. edition 6 months ago
I like the song Arrival.
That last part was epic. Great way to finish it. (Or start it )
God fucking damnit I really wish this one would make it’s way to PC. Oh well, I still have a couple of Xbox friends at least.
I’m pretty sure there are cracked versions you can run on PC via an emulator or something, if you’re desperate.
[COLOR=‘Black’]Or you could just use the Treyarch port.
lol, a good 360 emulator.
Who knows, maybe they’ll consider making a crappy Halo 4 port eventually as something to sell Win 8.
[COLOR=‘Black’]And what is with this “treyarch port” jab business? Have I missed something?
No, Bloodshot, you didn’t miss anything. :retard:
You missed Pyro making quite the fool of Pyro’s pyro self.