For real. Just buy an Xbox and enjoy your final days of youth.
Maybe they don’t want a life
Seriously though, just because there are bad games now doesn’t mean there aren’t good games. You seem to forget how many games in the 90s were terrible. It’s the same as it always was, there are far more bad games then good.
Difference now is, there’s a lot more good AAA titles, and even indy games and mods then there was back then.
Although I will admit there was something cozy about not having easy access to the internet and just playing what I had in single player or coop without being able to look things up on a whim.
And also if you wanted to have friends to play games with (at least for me since I had dial up) you had to make them in real life first xD
Maybe because I was younger so I was more happy with what I got, whereas now I’m much more technical. Something I do miss is how when I was younger I would look at a game that looked like shit, and simply see it as another place. I didn’t think about textures and lighting and shit like that, I just played the game and it seemed as real to me as anything else. That was the best part.
But again, that’s because I was younger, not because gaming was better.
Yeah, I can’t wait to upgrade to “cursing at people that I don’t agree with on a forum.”
Then I can be as cool as you – pfft, if I’m really lucky.
I like how you made stuff up about me that you couldn’t possibly know as if to say, “I need to dislike you even more, so let me add some personal pet-peeves…”
I don’t waste all my time reminiscing you tard, I was only talking about videogames.
I hope you understand that you can’t deem any game terrible in the objective manner that you’re going for. People’s opinion are exactly that - their opinions. Trying to change the subjective by throwing your opinion at them doesn’t really accomplish much. I can say any game is terrible all I want – for instance, Skyrim was terribly boring and redundant to play after the first 10 hours and I think it sucked.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
that is all.
Oh shit I really hope so. I hope it starts a wave of games that don’t hold your hand.
Dishonored is by far the best looking game set for this year. I’m sure Bioshock Infinite and Prey 2 will be good, but I doubt they’re going to go 100% immersive sim like Dishonored.
No More Heroes II: Desperate Struggle
Honestly, there’s never been a lack of good games in any given year. Most of the time you just never notice them.
There’s a very big difference with that. Just because you don’t like Skyrim doesn’t make it a bad game, it means you don’t like it (I’m inclined to agree about the redundancy of the game too). Vice Versa, you can enjoy a piece of complete shit. It might have poorly designed levels, flat gunplay and lack a decent story but somehow you may still enjoy it anyway. That doesn’t make it a good game, it just means you enjoyed it and there might have been a little fun to be had with the game.
Look at tresspasser, that failed Jurassic Park game. The AI was broken, the shooting mechanics were awkward, and the game was near unplayable. There were still fun things to do in the game with the physics (which is pretty impressive considering it was the 90s) and screwing with the bad AI, but it was very much a bad game .
Shitty looking environments and broken features, with badly tiled textures and enemies that don’t react to anything are not an expression of someone’s opinion, they are facts about the game.
By your logic it would seem that there are no good or bad games.
masterpiece. a game with unlimited replay value. going to be hard pushed to find somebody who didn’t enjoy that game even after the 3rd time. although strictly speaking not PC title, it did get emulated (cop out i know).
Much like most of the games from Bethesda, VALVe, or Rockstar.
Garry’s mod has unlimited replay value.
Yeah, well I remember when we played with sticks and rocks!
Seriously though, the general quallity of games haven’t decreased, it’s just that as games are regularly pushed out, both good ones and bad ones, constantly in our faces with media reports, you notice all the shit because it gets attention.
Games only seem to have been better back in the day in hindsight. Games like Half-Life are the ones that people still play and talk about. No one gives a shit about the bad ones, and therefore they’re forgotten with time.
It’s the same thing with all media, really, films, music, you name it. People remember what’s good and completelly shut out the bad things, thereby making it seem as though they never existed in the first place.
In a few years, it’s possible that no one will remember all the shitty Call of Duty sequels, but people might still talk highly about Skyrim.
They only thing that’s really changed is that developers have become a bit more greedy with their distribution policies, as well as trends, different things are popular at different times.
Exactly – when I said Skyrim was bad I was mimicking the others as a way of showing an example of how opinion based a game’s rating is. I wasn’t objectively labeling it. I’m sure you understand.
There technically isn’t. There are only games that you consider good and bad, and there are those who agree with you.
While it’s true that the majority of the world can agree on something, it’s still roughly subjective. People usually agree with things because it appeals to their basic biological impulses.
For instance, if a game manages to tap into someone’s instinct by scaring the fuck of them, then many people may agree that the game is scary and rocks as a horror game. Reason being that all of our instincts are designed the same way – but of course there is social and psychological molding that changes the way we perceive things; that’s why someone is always bound to disagree with you.
And with the internet you get access to information about all games, the good and the bad. Back in the mid nineties you weren’t necessarily able to get information about every single game in existence and only really knew about games that your friends and/or gaming magazines recommended you which those games would have been at least decent. So it’s not that games have gotten worse, it’s that you’re now able to know about all the terrible games that come out every year.
As Fnork says, time is a filter.
I would argue that most of these claims come out of pure nostalgia - we were much younger and far less cynical.
I remember a ton of really shitty games from the 90s.
And I also remember a ton of really great games from the 00s.
I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing Xbox 360.
But yeah, games these days do seem to take you more by the hand than they used to. “Cinematic experience” and all that.