Homepage change?

As you noticed the picture on main page has been changed. I have bad feelings to add to this what is going in Japan i can freely say that it is… APOCALYPSE.(or black mesa is going to be released soon)

what d’ya think?

Raminator is going to ban everyone.

not seen a thread about it, notice the marine on the homepage? exciting stuff. :retard:

I wouldn’t read too much into it.

neither but barely anything goes on here anymore in regards to media so a character model we’ve already seen from another angle smoking a cigar on the homepage like nobodies business is a cock tease enough for some.

Just like it says on the tin.


probely an indication that BM is merging whit Operation Black Mesa!

OMG WTF? Itz cuming now? Download Link hidden somewhere!!!

Not until they give him a Santa hat.

It’s not happening.

Probably an indication that people have nothing better to do on these forums other than speculate. Although, it does make me wonder. They should know the black mesa forums by now, ANY SLIGHT CHANGE IN ANYTHING will warrant a huge discussion and several threads, possibly a few bans and lots of butthurt bitching and flaming.

So, maybe it is significant if they posted it anyway with all that in mind. D^:

EDIT: Also looks like the little gabe quote on the forums is missing too.

Silence is the new black guys

No guys, its not the link to download black mesa, is just this : https://www.computerandvideogames.com/293591/news/black-mesa-soundtrack-is-ready-claims-composer/

(echo “soundtrack has gone golden // computerandvideogames.com/29 … -composer/:wink:

Shhh, silence is the new black

looks like the devs want everyone hyped up again. but why?

Yay! New shit!

ah, but this change will probably get up the hype again, i guess.

ITT: Unneeded proof of a community grasping at perpetually smaller straws

I wish it meant something but I’m not getting my hopes up :smiley:

This was excactly what i thought when i saw the new homepage… I knew that someone would have started a hype thread for this.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.