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Ok, on the wiki it says that the Hazard Course will be included, but I was almost certain Ram said that it would not be. Am I mistaken here? I wanted to check before I modified it.

You are mistaken

Seems pretty nice so far. Keep up the good work people. :3

If I understand general wiki formatting correctly, the Main Page should be about the Wiki and how to use it. The mod overview that’s there right now should be in an article of its own. Right?

Edit: Also, excuse me for being a little thick, but I’m a bit unclear as to what our goal is for this project. Is this supposed to be like a “meta-FAQ,” covering questions people have in the forums (like what characters will and won’t be in the mod, etc)? Is it documenting the mod’s creation, history and design, like a journalism thing (articles on the devs and so on)? Are we supposed to be concentrating on in-world “info” (fictional facts like what a headcrab is and so on)? I’d love to help but I’m not sure where to start.

Done the MP5.

Almost positive that I am not.

I second the suggestions to make the text bigger and fix image uploading. I even have a (badly done, but it will work) “No picture” pic for the character pages- just a greyed sillouette of a scientist with a ? on it.

That, or a lurker who just decided to join the forums for the hell of it.

Ye I was a little unsure about this, however the offical FAQ post on the forum did say that a Hazard course had been created, however I did think abou Ram’s easrlier posts which made it clear everyone coming to the Mod should be able to play the game without the need for a tutorial.

Thats my mistake so feel free to edit it to make it accurate. I guess it’s one of those things that we won’t know 100% until release.

I added a page for Xen, Tentacle, Crowbar, and Headcrab. Feel free to edit, gut, whatever. I like wikis. :slight_smile:

I can see myself getting quite addicted to this particular wiki…

This is a fantastic idea, writing up some stuff now.

Edit: Anyone know how to embed images / youtube videos properly? I seem to be having difficulty (/fail, I know).

Edit 2: Just a suggestion, you might want to make the default font size slightly larger.

The fail isn’t not being able to embed, it’s the failure to read the rest of the thread where we discuss that very issue.

No offense mate, meant to be encouraging as well as correcting :retard:

None taken, you’re right haha. :smiley:

I added a stub box template, and a specific weapons stub template, and dropped it on the bottom of my Crowbar page. Feel free to use it, and add your own stubs based on the Template:Weapon-stub page.

My main suggestion for your Satchel Charge page is simply make it a little less informal, with a more organised layout. The ‘:p’ doesn’t look good on a wiki.

I’ve never helped make a wiki from scratch! This is fun! :awesome:

It is, usually when you get to a wiki that you’re interested in it’s already packed full of all the information and templates and whatnots. I’m enjoying myself (instead of doing homework! >.-)

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind from now on.

Question: If there isn’t much information available on a particular subject at the moment, would it be better to hold off until more information is available (aka at release) or go ahead and lay out a template for when more can be added.

Interesting, looking forward to seeing this build up over the coming months.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.