Hey guys, long time visitor and fan, finally decided to sign up. I just have a few minor suggestions for my favorite enemy AI to this day, the HECU Marines. As a US Marine myself, I’ve always thought they were the most badass, and intelligent AI. When most other enemies would stay put when you retreated o find health, the Marines would follow you and ruin your day.
But like the original HL, there are some small suggestions for added realism and gameplay.
1: Marines dont wear berets, they wear the 8-point covers (hats). If there could be a model of those, that would be epic.
2: Adding the weapon of the element of the USMC fireteam i usually fill, the SAW gunner.
3: Marines yelling “Doc!” or “Corpsman!” instead of medic (Marines don’t have medics, they’re Navy Corpsmen)
4: Oakley sunglasses, perfect fit for the desert-bound HECU Marine
5: Keep doing an amazing job