Last week, I bought a Western Digital caviar black of 1 terabyte (64mb cache, sata 3).
It’s pretty noisy, and I’ve read reviews that say that it isn’t exacly quiet, but I am worrying if the noise I’m experimenting is normal or something I should worry about. The noise I’m talking about happens at the same time that the disk activity light on my case lights up.
Also, it’s the first time I have an HDD so big, so I don’t know what to expect as ‘normal’.
I can return it to the store if I want to, but I’ve already loaded lots of files and I have no means of backing it up except for burning lots and lots of DVD’s, so I’d rather avoid that.
Has anyone else here have this model or something similar? could you share your experiences regarding noise? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I’ve run seatools and western digital’s diagnostics and they have both given good results and no errors.