Hazardous Environment Combat Unit

Except there’s not because laidlaw isn’t dumb enough to overcomplicate shit with quasibiological junk that nobody cares about

Oh snap.

Okay then.

But, are there gonna be soldiers with cigars? :fffuuu:

Err, it’s an air filter, not an ‘oxygen bottle’. :3

Lol yeah, that thing wouldn’t hold much oxygen. :stuck_out_tongue:

HECUs are augmented with chin-gills that extract oxygen molecules from the blood of scientists they murder. The hole in the canister? A straw.

Is the glowing tip of the cigar just a texture or an actual effect?

Depends what you mean by “actual effect.” It looks like it’s self-illuminated (will glow in the dark) if that’s what you mean.

What’s he looking at?

Bill, is that you?

That looks pretty cool.

The cigar is just ridiculously stereotypical. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you mean the cigar is ridiculously awesome and badass.


The guy is new to the forums so I say, “we” as an implication of unity. At this point, his question was answerable by any educated BMS Forum user. It’s kind of like we are all family considering how little of us remain here.

I usually say, “we” due to my extensive time convincing people on youtube that BMS is still alive. Which is fucking redundant considering people on Youtube have an IQ of 4.

During the time on youtube, it makes it sound more legit if I say, “we”, which has become a habit apparently. Don’t worry though, I never claim to be a developer and have been asked many times.

Honestly, because of how long I lurked on here ( about 4 1/2 years I think ) I feel like a member sometimes, sorry ^^ .

how about no cigar at all amirite?


Doesn’t seem as badass without it. You’re not right, sorry.

hmm maybe you are right


Haha, maybe add one of these characters?

i just came

That could be a problem. We can’t have people jizzing on their keyboards during black mesa… Hmm

We just might have to tone down the awesome if we are going to add him…

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.