I think I just accidently saved my map after deleting everything in it. IDK exactly how it happened, but I think it happened. In the past I’ve been able to access auto-save files from when hammer editor crashed, usually the file is from right before compiling. HOW DO I ACCESS AN AUTO-SAVED VERSION OF MY MAP SIMILAR TO THE ONES AVAILABLE WHEN HAMMER EDITOR CRASHES???
Lol, nvm, feel stupid now. I was fiddling with the cordon boxes and accidentally my whole map.
Well I might as well not let this thread go to waste. So I have some displacements that I accidentally func_detailed together with a few brushes which is making it so I can’t compile my map. Unfortunately, hammer is tweaking out and won’t let me set the displacements back to world. Are there any tricks to this that I’m missing or is the only option to entirely redo the displacements???
… How exactly did you manage to tie displacements to func_detail in the first place? O_o
Use brush select mode, select the brushes, and tie them to world. Re-do the displacements. Done.
Mashing ctrl+w and apply multiple times seemed to do the trick. Simply using solid select mode and tie to world didn’t. I tied several groups to entity, and there were some displacements in the groups I tied to entity.
select the func_detail (of all the brushes/displacememnts etc.) and click to world… leaves them all selected, so now you just hold ctrl and deselect the displacements then convert the remaining selected (brushes) to func_detail, leaving the disps as world.
Sounds like you’ve been having fun with hammer.
Haha. I think it was a glitch, because I did try those things, I kept clicking tie to world and it did weird stuff like turn the displacement into it’s own individual func_detail separate from the original func_detail. I’m not as much of a noob as this thread makes me sound XD. It’s been a few months since I last used hammer so I’m just a little rusty.