hello everyone. I didn’t know where to open this theard and i choose this section. so could anyone give me txt files where is conversations with scientists and other characters in HL HLOF HLBS. i need them becouse i haven’t heared a lot about whats happening and i want to know details which sometimes are important
Well, its possible someone out there can, but I doubt they’ll be in your language.
Why do we have to wear those ridiculous ties ?
Do you know who ate all the donuts?
No! Dont touch that, I’m expecting a very important message.
Not now Gordon, I’m busy.
My God, what are you doing?!
lol that’s funny :XD:
i hear something
Its not shutting down!
Shouldn’t you have been in the test chamber half-an-hour ago?
With my brains and your brawn, we’ll make an excellent team!
In the beginning of HL on your way to the test chamber you see G-Man and a scientist arguing about something in a room with a locked door. If you go up to the door all you can hear is mumbles. It would be nice to know what they’re saying. (also the briefcase he’s carrying has a BM logo on it… so i wonder if its actually G-man or just an ‘administrator’ that they were to lazy to make a different skin for)
um… Why here? go to the suggestions
The sound file is just mumbles.
Gordon doesn’t need to hear all this, he’s a trained professional
Shouldn’t you be guarding a box of donuts or something?