Half-Life 2 Android release: NVIDIA SHIELD

FWIW :stuck_out_tongue:

Slash Gear article on HL2 porting to Android says:

“Half-Life 2 is coming to Android, maybe only as an NVIDIA SHIELD exclusive. We don’t know when, we don’t know in what capacity. Stay tuned as details continue to rush in.”


That is interesting.

I’d rather they focused on HL3’s development.

I’m still waiting for HL1 on android…

seriously. you wouldn’t even need a shield to play hl1. Any phone form the past 3 years would run it just dandy. Charge 5 bucks and rake in the profits

any phone that could run quake 2 could run it, and that includes WinCE smartphones from 2006

too bad it was written in C++ so porting it to Java must be a living nightmare

Android is a fork of linux. Porting Linux HL2 to google OS should be “cake”

it’s not exactly “cake” to port x86 native C++ code into ARM android JVM, linux or no linux.

Android has a Native Development Kit for non-Java development with native-code languages such as C and C++, so porting the core codebase to Java is not strictly necessary (although there would probably be Java code involved at some point to bind things together). They’d still have to figure out all the architectural stuff though.


W̶o̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶w̶e̶’̶l̶l̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶i̶o̶s̶ ̶r̶e̶l̶e̶a̶s̶e just kidding.

Seriously though, it’s awesome. I don’t have a Nvidia Shield, but the closer we get to being able to actually play valve games on the go…the better everything is because they’re really good games.

[COLOR=‘Black’]Would be kinda neat if they released HL1 at the very least for iOS tho

so far the cracked APK only runs on tegra 4 devices, but according to some russian forums, this isn’t like other exclusive tegra 4 titles, their port of HL2 doesn’t actually use any of the proprietary Tegra shaders or dynamic shadows but it’s still programmed to crash if they are absent so, unofficial support for old devices might be coming pretty soon…

I’d consider getting a shield just for this. Playing HL2 and Portal on the go would be amazing.

I wish Valve would acknowledge the potential there is in an android port of the Source engine. It could provide android platforms with a very expanded games library, and give modders a well established engine to work with.

It seems a bit odd to port HL2 to mobile devices anyway. It’s a wonderful game, but somewhat ubiquitous. My candid and rather anticipatory speculation is that this is trying to get HL2 back into the popular lexicon, to prep the public for a Episode Three/ HL3 announcement.

I don’t think so, I suspect it’s largely just Nvidia really trying to push their hardware so they used the connections they made with Valve over the Steambox to get them to port HL2. I don’t think the android HL2 will really gain any popularity because touchscreen is a shit gaming interface and no one has established a gaming phone.

Oh you and your logic have to go and spoil my hopes :frowning:

The Nvidia Shield has analog sticks and buttons. It’s Android-based, but that doesn’t mean it uses a touch screen. It’s not a tablet.

BTW: is Half-Life 2 coming to tablets as well? Because I rock touchscreen controls. :smiley:

How would it even work on a smartphone? There’s no joysticks, no triggers. It wouldn’t work at all.

have you ever played a 3d shooter on touchscreen? it can work. See Dead Space or NOVA. one side for moving, one for aiming. a couple re-arrangable buttons for jump shoot, action.

and that’s if you don’t use the accelerometer to aim.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.