abucnh of lists of shitty old pc games isntead of hitman blood money huh
Get Dark Athena. It comes with everything in the original game, developer commentary and all, plus Dark Athena. I got it full price and it was worth it.
It makes me laugh that there is no apb (I’m not suggesting you add it btw)
It outrages me to see that no one has mentioned Unreal and Unreal Tournament(99).
I also really liked UT2004, come at me bros. It needs some mods, nothing in particular though, just stuff to make it interesting. One really good one for it is Ballistic weapons.
UT3 was fun too, but there was only one good map in the whole game, VCTF-Suspense.
EDIT: The Riddick games are great, and highly recommended. I did a quest in Skyrim that was pretty Butcher Bay, and I was all :awesome:.
Add nearly every single Zelda game to the list, mainly OOT, ALTTP, and Twilight Princess.
Oh my god yes.
I see that a lot of my favorite games have already been mention. Here’s a few that haven’t been mentioned yet. Clive Barker’s Undying, the ending sucks but the build-up to it is good. Nox, a Diablo clone with a quirky sense of humor. Torchlight is OK too although it seemed kind of short.
I didn’t mention UT99 cuz that’s a given once you find out about unreal in any form.
Also, i remember Nox. Very little, some caves with lava - also i remember i was impressed how when you walked through a door the shadows would come from it as if you were the light source, and I remember seeing a guy get sucked into a TV, and a hot air balloon. That’s about it.
Add Arena to my list. It’s never held my attention for that long but i could see why some people love it.
Oh and seriously, Hexen and Hexen 2 are the PERFECT games for coop - Hexen 2 even has a built in save multiplayer-game feature.
Obviously Half life Series…
And wtf? no one said PORTAL?!
Go play portal 1/2 man
Serious Sam: The First encounter
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
HD versions possibly^^
Great games. xD
HomeWorld series
Portal I & II
STALKER : Shadow of Chernobyl
WingCommander series
MechWarrior series
X-Wing vs Tie Fighter
Lode Runner (honourable arcade game mention)
Fuck yes.
I had the PC and PS versions of lode runner, they both had level editors. Shit was awesome.