Grand Theft Auto V

Nobody made a topic so here it is.

First order of business, this game is going to be the cover game of Game Informer’s December issue which will come out early next month.

I’m so excited, we’ll finally get more info on this game. Hopefully some gameplay is shown around this time as well.

Now for some screenshots

And then the first trailer

Lol, I just noticed the mail truck in the trailer says “We aim not to lose it”.

Hey, that looks almost as good as Siggs screenshots of GTA 4.

Except probably more optimized since graphics mods tend to be optimized for shit.

You guys have probably seen this video going around the net lately:

It’s obviously fake, but a pretty damn good fake. I hope we get some desert environments like that again, the cliffs at the end totally reminded me of Black Mesa.

Well, we probably can expect a HL/BM reference somewhere; IIRC San Andreas had a random crowbar in the secret underground military base.

My question is, if its a fake whats it from? Because I’d like to download it just to have a look around.

I don’t think its an actual game, it looks like a prerendered animation. They’ve captured the vehicle physics and environment well though.

if this really how the graphics looks, my computer will die

This has the potential to be the most successful game ever. Maybe I’m overstating things but I’m just so looking forward to it.

dat wahtta’, seriously I haven’t seen water that good in-game in some time. Other than Arma III which I haven’t heard from in a long time.

I was really never into the ARMA series’s visuals. I mean draw distance and shit on screen aside, everything seems pretty bog standard par.

Most simulators aren’t designed with aesthetics in mind though, they’re more built to be functional.

“Functional” isn’t the word I would use to describe ARMA…

I mean it is functional, it’s just overly complicated, which I suppose allows it to do all the things it can do. It tries to do so many things that I suppose that leads to some breakage in the mechanics but I never found it too difficult to play besides having to look up the controls every couple of minutes.

Arma needs to be a little less ‘stiff’, I’m pretty sure soldiers don’t slowly kneel or go prone during combat.

on topic: I hope GTA V brings back some of the fun and character from San Andreas, IV felt kinda boring at times.

And vehicle handling is horrible. That’s why I don’t like Arma, otherwise it could be a great game.

You know, I used to play GTA SA:MP. It was freaking great, you could do absolutely everything. There were some roleplaying servers, where you could run your own crime syndicate, run for mayor, be a cop, etc. And everything was so fucking real, I mean, it was like playing the script of a movie or something. And it was simple at the same time, you could simulate a SWAT operation or a military siege perfectly, without all the complex kind of crap that ARMA has. But graphics are dated, so maybe this can be the successor of SA:MP. I’m sure it would be the best game ever.

First official artwork, what you guys think?

“Vamanos” :wink:


lol anna rex

never change gta

It looks like they’re about to fight either infected, monster insects, or normal insects.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.