Looks like machinima, FPSRussia, Huskystarcraft etc. are in for a bad time.
Congress is currently reviewing a bill making it illegal to stream your copy-righted media on youtube. Now I can understand why artists, musicians, record labels and the cinematic induestry don’t want their content getting out for free ten times faster by means of youtube, making marketing virtually obsolete, earning shitloads of money and allowing their consumers to get informed before buying stuff.
But appareantly it makes streaming your gaming experience also illegal.
Thos are streams about you enjoying the game. There is no better way of convincing someone to buy your product. And guess what your customers are doing it for free, our of conviction (which is the reason why it is so effective, but tell that to the average maerkting retard). Following that logic you could imprison someone for telling you on youtube to go watch that great movie because it was awesome and for giving a resumee. Ok, there is no real analogy here, because games are physically interactive while movies are only mentally interactive.
But having little time for gaming myself I enjoy watching ScII vids, reminding me of the good olds Starcraft times. So to all of you guys in the beloved U.S. of A. time to get out pencil and paper and write some nerdrage letters to your congressman!
Here is the article.
And this is a vid of a bearded nerd explaining it to all the illiterates