This guys knowssssssss
And I have to add
Breath of Fire saga
Final fantasy 7
Tales of Phantasia
I don’t know what to say about that particular choice…
Hell yes
Bro-fist. How about Clay Fighter then?
But for serious, my list is:
Ocarina of Time
Jet Force Gemini
Jedi Knight
Age of Empires 2
Star Fox/Star Fox 64
There are some other old games I like but wouldn’t really benefit all that much from a graphics overhaul IMO
Forgot about Morrowind. That would be nice.
Ocarina of Time on twilight princess’s engine with normal gamecube controls.
Road Rash.
You guys do realize that most PC games you have mentioned can actually be played up to 1080p on your PC right?
lol yeah, I know what you guys meant by “HD remake”[/SIZE]
I forgot to mention Super Mario 64 and Rayman 2
Shadow of Colossus is still the only right answer.
SoC is a very good game to be done. That games camera system and overall proportions of scale from the main character to what he has to kill would be even further magnified if redone to handle a higher resolution and throw it on a solid 42" or 3x monitor surround set up. Another game I wouldn’t mind seeing done though it’s fairly detailed enough was Kinetica. My favorite racing game to date next to Split Second.
AoE2, System Shock 1&2, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, LoZ:OoT, some other stuff that doesn’t spring to mind…
Grand Theft Auto 2 (kind of like Chinatown Wars but I’d love it for PC)
Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
Star Wars Jedi Knights Jedi Academy
The old maze screensaver on Windows 95
this this this this this this this this this