… and I was wondering, is this weed/marijuana?
Edit:the image was too small first, sorry 'bout that.
Well, you’ll want sersoft’s word on this, but only select kinds of canabis are… well, usable like that.
I’ve got a couple of plants in my garden, they’re pretty common here, on road sides and shit. I’m not even sure they’re called the same in English. People used to make oil and butter from the seeds and ropes from the plants themselves. The kind of canabis we have here is no good for smoking. Not that I’ve tried ofc.
It’s not weed, it’s a rare collectible plant in the real world! Go around the world and find some for a reward and/or achievement! :retard:
You are a retard, stop pretending like you know what you are talking about.
It is Cannabis, but it looks to be a male plant, which doesn’t produce buds, it only flowers and smoking it will give you nothing, do everyone around you a favour and burn it, if it pollenates, it will ruin the female plants in a 2km radius around it.
Yeah Coll knows more about growing weed than me, but I know one thing: there needs to be buds on the plant, you only smoke the buds, not the stems or the leaves.
I always thought you smoked the leaves on the plant like tobacco. Well, I know as much about plants as I know about soccer.
Yes sir, you’re right, it’s a male plant, good thing there’s a loooooot more around, and I just found a huge one which seems to be a female plant, do you think I could do anything with it? I’ve already planted it in the garden, I’m not sure it was a good idea tho’…
Do plants have genders?
They can be asexual but they usually reproduce with other plants.
saw a gay tree once
Is this the one?
no. just looked like a normal tree, man
Depends on the plant.
They all start out asexual, but due to inhibitors during its growth they become male or female.
Another one like this is the passionfruit vine, for it to fruit, the female vine, must connect (literally connect) with a male vine, pollination will occur becuase of the male plants flowers and fruit will grow.
In regards to the topic, if you wish to keep the plant, it really depends on where you live in regards to ‘being caught’, if you have a large area for a yard and decent amount of plants in the yard, it will be hard for someone to just decide to look over the fence and see it, but if you have a small yard, I recommend taking the plant to a area in a bush or somewhere out of the way of people so only you know where it is.
WoW too much ?
Try to cross borders with it and you’ll see if it’s weed or not.
Lucky! I wish I had weed growing in my backyard. If I ever grow enough balls to actually try weed one day, (All my friends have done it, I pussied out tho) I may be more interested
What’s so scary about it? haha
Tried it in 8th grade, regular smoker ever since. It’s great, only issue that comes with it is the possibility of getting caught, I live in a pretty nice area with strict parents, so it can be tough for me, but if you’re good at playing it off, why not try it?
Is it really worth the hassle? Personally I never thought so