Fondest Half-Life Memories

I don’t know about anyone else, but I played the original Half-Life a lot. I’d say I had the most fun playing the Hazard Course which is why I think your remake is pure evil and I had a lot of fun playing around with cheats after I finished the game without them. It’s a really good game. Anyone else have memories like these?

Your memory is that you had fun with the hazard course? :slight_smile:

Being a kid, not knowing English, had a hell of a problem with the crouch jumping in the hazard course.

When I was like 8, when my parents bought me and my brothers a PS2 the first game was Half-Life. Wasn’t my first experience with it, but still relevant. Anyway, I spent a lot of time stuck in Questionable Ethics, and then we gave the Head-to-Head (split-screen deathmatch) gamemodes a try, and we’d just be at it for hours. There was one map that was just a long stretch of land with a few cargo crates and stuff to break up the line of site and we’d just spend hours tricking each other with satchels, learning how to tau jump and watching some oxygen tanks blow up. I miss that map in HLDM. Also a few others, but especially that one.

Also Decay. We were so terrible and got stuck on the Decay mission Resonance for hours.

Half-Life was an OK game.

Halo invented first person shooters tho.

Ban that man.

Yeah, sure. Maxey, you are now banned.

You could always go to the ‘Master Chief Source’ mod forum. It’s already out, but the last few areas aren’t in yet.

I think the part that won Half-Life a special place in my heart was during the Resonance Cascade where shit went down, son…then suddenly the screen went black and all you could hear is Gordon’s heavy breathing.

It still gives me chills to this day how well that was done.

tough question, that was a long time ago…but still I can remember the first time I obtained the crowbar and killed the first headcrab with it - it was in HL Upling …I played the original game some time later…I think one of the most fond memories I have from the very first gameplay, were the disaster Gordon made in UC level after he wokes up and the silo with tentacles in Blast pit level…

I still remember the first time I played HL1 (although I started the franchise with HL2EP2). It was like nothing I’ve ever player, and definitely had the feeling of a 90s game to it.

The most memorable part of the game was Xen for me. It was so unique and interesting, just like everything else in the game. Still love it to this day. Another memorable part would be On a Rail. In my first playthrough I spent 4days running in circles until I got angry and started shooting everything, when I realized the signs actually move.

But not only that. It was one of the few games I remembered in almost their entirety after just one playthrough.

In our family, we have a tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve, and Half-Life was mine. I remember staying up to 11:30 playing through to We’ve Got Hostiles, but far and away my favorite area was Office Complex.

I think Halo is a pretty cool guy. eh kills aliens and doesn’t afraid of anything.

Best HL memory was probably Surface Tension, letting the HECU and Xenians duke it out and watching the chaos ensue.

Best HL2 memory was probably the Strider battle in Follow Freeman. I have no idea why I particularly like that battle. I guess it was always just memorable for me, for whatever reason.

Best Halo memory was either the opening battle of The Silent Cartographer, the opening cutscene of The Maw, or the Warthog run at the end and the final cutscene… oh wait

I think my earliest memory of the game was watching my brother play On A Rail, and how he snuck past the Apache to get into the explosives-wired room at the missile launch center.
Obviously that memory is super garbled, since no such Apache exists at that point in the game. My guess is that he died when I wasn’t looking and the game loaded a save from a previous playthrough that happened to be in ST. Or I just imagined the entire thing.

For some reason my fondest memory of the game at the moment is that stretch of hall in OaR with the turrets and the bullsquid closet. Not sure why - maybe just because it’s something I haven’t seen in quite some time, since BM cut that part?

Really tho. I played the hell out of the Uplink demo, so I actually have some more fond memories of that.

The invention of first person shooters happened way before any console HALO game, that recognition belongs to Maze War from '73.

But any self respecting gamer would say that 1993’s DOOM was the true beginning.

My favorite Black Mesa level was Inbound, you just knew that something awesome was about to happen. Least favorite, the Xen chapters.

Pretty sure he was joking.

Also, Wolfenstein 3D was more of a beginning, because even if the genre only really started gaining traction with DOOM, DOOM was made to be a direct improvement on Wolf3D.

lol, no need to get so touchy.
But what about the 40+ other first person shooters before Wolf3d.

Wolf 3D and Doom were not pioneers in their genre but they made them really popular. Without their popularity and influence we might’ve never gotten Half-Life at all.

id software wrote the book on how to make the modern first person shooters.

Dude, you literally just said

I realize that neither DOOM or Wolf3D were technically the first games in the genre.
I was just saying that Wolf3D was closer to the true beginning because DOOM wouldn’t exist without it.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.