That’s true, maybe Fridge can put my link in the OP? Otherwise we could create a separate thread. It’d up to him I think.
Huh, that’s really strange, I honestly have no idea why that’s happening. Seeing as it happens with nearly every death, I can say it’s almost impossible levels of unlikely that it’s due to the absence of HG_MEDIC02a (that would require the game to attempt playing that sound after every death). I know I packed the files in for deaths, I just checked.
Make sure there are files for HG_MEDIC00 through HG_MEDIC20 are present in BMS\sound\vo\npc\hgrunt_young (this is the folder that death sounds are linked to), and that they work when you attempt to play them. Alternatively go to BMS\scripts\npc_sounds_human_shared.txt and make sure there is a section in there that should look like this:
“channel” “CHAN_STREAM”
“volume” “0.8”
“pitch” “95, 105”
“soundlevel” “SNDLVL_NORM”
"wave" "vo/npc/hgrunt_young/hg_medic01.wav"
"wave" "vo/npc/hgrunt_young/hg_medic02.wav"
"wave" "vo/npc/hgrunt_young/hg_medic02a.wav"
"wave" "vo/npc/hgrunt_young/hg_medic03.wav"
"wave" "vo/npc/hgrunt_young/hg_medic04.wav"
"wave" "vo/npc/hgrunt_young/hg_medic05.wav"
"wave" "vo/npc/hgrunt_young/hg_medic06.wav"
"wave" "vo/npc/hgrunt_young/hg_medic07.wav"
"wave" "vo/npc/hgrunt_young/hg_medic08.wav"
Very nice video otherwise, much better than my crappy short
Oh, already taken care of then, thank you! :3