Favorite Xen Creature


We just tend to squeeze it into “Idiot” around here.

So… now we’ve properly defined the meaning of ‘Xen creature’ perhaps we can go back to listing our favourites?


Woah, woah, woah. We’ve only defined what counts as Xenian. We have in no way clarified what is meant by the word “creature”. For instance, are we allowed to favor bounce-pads? Healing-pools? Zappy-dongles?

Is it just me, or are Houndeyes really cute? Their noises kind of remind of turkeys and cats.

Of course they are. I’m a Houndeye on BMS Forums right now, so they’ve gotta be.

Yus, houndeyes are adorable. But they don’t even compete with snarks, the squeaky bastards, so don’t get any ideas.

And Alien Grunts are waaaaay above my pay grade, I guess?

Anything that seems sentient or an animal. In your list the healing pools are the only ones that I probably wouldn’t class as a Xen creature.

BTW, what is the largest Xen creature besides the Nihilanth?

Well, the tentacles are pretty gigantic.

Gonarch maybe? It was pretty big.

I think that the tentacle alien is the largest Xenian, if you measure from the end of the tentacle to the bottom of the alien itself inside the floor, even larger than Nihilanth.

Hell, if you were to roll it up spool-style, it’d still probably be larger.

Remember that all three tentacles were affixed to a common node. Tentacle is definitely our size-contender. Gonarch and Garg follow.

Ya know, the more I think about those tentacles, the more it seems like the “head” is actually the ass end and the reason it’s smashing at things is because the other aliens always shoot at it. Poor tentacle monster thing.

The Gargantua, the Bullsquid, Houndeye, and the Tentacles… I hated the Nihilanth though that thing creeped the f*** out of me.

the hivehand. its so cool, its a living creatures that the grunts use as a weapon.

Vortigaunts cos they’re very intelligent and Headcrabs cos I think they’re cute lol

Ichthyosaur. Because they are the only reason nobody goes into the water.

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