Favorite Xen Creature

What is your favorite Xen creature? It can be anything except a Race X or Combine creature as they do not count as Xen creatures.

Alien Craft. They are mysterious.

Cool, I like Bullsquids for some reason.

they’re adorable all they wanna do is work out their legs and eat hamburgers


Probably the only screenshot of Half-Life 3 we will ever get.

I like the shy little lightstalk things. They’re pretty neat.


“Who’s a good freaky little bug thing? Yes, you are!” --Dave, Civil Protection


I love the fact that the thread topic asks for favourite Xen creature when none of the creatures are from Xen.


There’s not much else I could have called it.

I like the vortigaunts, mostly cause of how they developed in HL2 and it’s episodes.

I like the vortigaunts because of how they shoot lighting at everything.

Furious antlion hordes? Lightning.

Angry zombines? Lightning.

Broken-down generator? Lightning.

Critically wounded Alyx? Lightning.

Lightning? Lightning.

Come on, what can go wrong THERE?

Yup. Vorts win. Nothing else gets even close.

Vorts are my second favorites. I just like think Bullsquids are cool.

I’m not sure everyone has caught on to this yet, maybe you should reiterate, just to make sure.

I personally like headcrabs. Especially poison headcrabs.

You LIKE those things?

Well, to each his own I guess.

Bullsquids are what got me into getting HL1.


Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.