So I bought Fallout 3 and played it a while but it crashes now and then and I don’t know why, it just stops working.
Any Ideas?
There’s an unofficial patch floating around the internets. Dunno if it would help but you should give it a try. Try looking at, there’s A LOT of things for Fallout3 there.
[EDIT] There it is!
thanks, I’ll try that
i had that problem, too. i ignored it
What GPU do you have?
ATI HD5870 and it also crashed with my old 8800GT
As an open world game, Fallout 3 has it’s bugs and glitches. Just make sure you quicksave often, and keep a list of debugging console commands nearby and you should be fine. Crashes are annoying, but it’s just not possible for Bethesda to diagnose and fix every last one of them in a game that massive. Just get the latest patch and put up with the crashes when they occur.
haven’t seen a game that crashes so often just out of no where like this, but I haven’t experienced a crash for a few days now
Mine used to crash all the time (sometimes even blue screening) but it seemed to work better when the computer had only just been turned on so I restarted it whenever I wanted to play it.
Have you actually patched the game?
I must be a lucky bastard because I can play it for hours without any issues. I’ve bought roughly a year ago and it only crashed a couple of times ever since.
I think 8800’s are GTS, since mine was.
Also, what kind of crashes are we talking here? Does the program just suddenly quit to desktop for no raisin? Does it freeze up but allow you to ctrl-alt-del to the task manager? Does the whole computer lock up? Does it BSOD? This could help indicate what may be going wrong.
That would suck if it was the first one. I mean it doesn’t even give you raisins .
I used to have the same problem with Morrowind. All I can say is do as JeffMod says, quick save all the time.
I had a 8800GT(G92, 112shader units, 512MB).
The problem was, that it just crashed to desktop for no reason, back when I had only 2GB RAM it crashed much more than it does now.
Well, I used to run it just fine when I had the GTS8800, and 2GB of RAM as well. What OS are you using? Go poke around in the event viewer and see if you can’t find a log saying something about a program error or something, and it relating to Fallout 3.
Oh, also, I recommend having a normal save before you go into the tranquility pod, and quicksave often in there as well, as (this may not happen to you, but it often happens to me) that area often locks up my computer so badly that not even the reset switch works.
Hooray for area/quest related tips that don’t give spoilers!
If the reset switch doesn’t work, you’ve got something a tad more serious going on than a computer not liking a game.
Oh, also, I recommend having a normal save before you go into the tranquility pod, and quicksave often in there as well, as (this may not happen to you, but it often happens to me) that area often locks up my computer so badly that not even the reset switch works.
Hooray for area/quest related tips that don’t give spoilers!