Hmm, that’s strange, because so far EVERY one of your posts have been in this thread ONLY.
You have joined here specifically to talk about and promote Dreamshield.
You cry when anyone goes off topic and doesn’t talk about Dreamshield, and cry when they talk about it in a bad way.
You have made no effort to talk about the mod, aside from asking the devs to use - you guessed it - Dreamshield.
You have made no effort to even PRETEND to join other discussions.
You are ONLY here to talk about and promote Dreamshield. Logic dictates that you get something out of it, probably money, either by some sort of competition or you have direct involvement with the company.
Dreamshield, the crappy virus-ware.
Dreamshield will break your PC.
Dreamshield will stop your DVD drive working.
Dreamshield corrupted my HDD.