Doom 4 leaked images

Apparently these are leaked shots of Doom 4. It’s gonna be like a modern Doom 2.

No idea if they are real or not, but some of it looks quite a bit like rage, and others kinda remind me of Crysis 2. Some of them look pretty poor texture wise though.

I like this shot the best, reminds me the most of Doom 2:

They are real. iD says this isn’t representative of the final product. To be honest I like what I see so far for the simple reason that unlike Doom 3 I can see it.

All I want to see in Doom 4 are the Double-Barreled Shotgun and BFG :slight_smile:

Pretty sick aside form the low-res everything. Lets hope it’s not another RAGE.

Wow, look at those beautiful idtech 5 textures! I can’t wait to return to a world of low-res JPEGs from 1994!

It would look perfect if it had no filtering like a software renderer

You mean the ones that are 16k by 16k?

I would definitely not argue if the textures were higher res, but I would rather have the game not have texture pop in at all, and not have people jump through hoops just to get the engine to display properly with their video card.

All I had to do was update Rage and all my problems went away.

I never had problems with RAGE, other than textures popping in when I loaded a new area, or turned fast enough.

Well, on my old PC I tried to play the coop missions with xalener, and that didn’t go well, but that thing was sorta a piece of junk >_>
(we died and had to start over, and it turned into a slideshow)

^ you wanna try that again some time? I did enjoy the little bit we were able to play.

I have the feeling this isn’t doom 4. It’s definitely Idtech 5, but idk if it’s anything that’s been announced yet.

Its Doom 4. :expressionless:

Really? What I read was:

Yeah, uncompressed, which these emphatically aren’t. They’re 16k by 16k in size, but they’re a fraction of that in practice.

Not to mention that those textures are spread over a huge land mass. Pixel-per-inch of real estate, Rage had extremely low texture resolution. These screens aren’t doing much to sell me on Doom 4 being any different, and unless they make some serious engine overhauls, it won’t be.

Judging by the context, he is basically saying that those are really really early screenshots and when you see the official Doom 4 screenies it will look loads different.

But its still technically Doom 4 screenshots.

Sure. Not in the next week or so though, I need to power through Mass Effect 1 and 2 still, so that’s going to be eating up a lot of my free time. Just catch me on Steam sometime in the afternoon/evening and we can do it. (I work mornings M-F, so if I’m on I can’t play :stuck_out_tongue: )

I don’t care about the “low res” textures from Rage. It still looks badass to me (though I haven’t played it yet, it’s one I have been meaning to get when I get some more money together).

Doom 4 is one I am interested to see, especially if it is centered on Earth. Especially if the return to Hell is done better than Doom 3 (more time spent there, less frustrating boss battles).

That doesn’t apply in journalism.


Doom 3 is one of my all time top favorite games from 2004-2005 along with HL2. Doom 4 shall be epic.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.