Developer quotes on release and process



Also, kudos to James for that. Lawd knows source needed a Zbuffer BAYAD.

Man, those quotes really make them sound ticked off at their fans. Maybe they’ll finish it and then not release it out of spite. :wink:

Do you mean crepuscular rays?

It’s been called many things: god rays, light shafts, sun beams.

I think this belongs here. Granted it’s sort of specific, though I think it’s safe to assume that it means no mod this year.

:slight_smile: for the participation.

;_; for the actual quote.

Warm up your paypals, cuz someone’ll be sittin pretty on 50 bucks in a bit over a year

Quite the optimist are we, xalener :slight_smile:

if its out before 2013 I will eat a hat. live on

quote that in your sigs!

Easy money making scheme #53967:
Bet on Black Mesa not being released within .
If it does - well, what are the odds?

Specific enough to include, albeit the list is already somewhat too bloated.

You know guys, I have a feeling that BMS will be released on a Tuesday.
I don’t know which Tuesday in which week, month or year; but I have a gut feeling that it will be a Tuesday.

For us, it was the defining moment of our lives, but for Raminator and the Black Mesa Dev Team, it was Tuesday.

I am amazed! Nice job guys.

I’m sorry but I was just lurking (again) and I had to log in and applaud that. I count that as a New Years Eve gift.

Edit - Crap after all of that, I doubt my 4 year old computer will even be able to run the thing…****

Get job

Get measly bucks

That’s more than enough for hardware capable of any Source game

Unless you have a computer from the late 90’s, I think you can run BM at least on the lowest settings.

Pretty remarkable technical info right there!

you guys are the best we wait for the game was released! We are all waiting! Carlos Montero and his team the best! HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL !!! GOOD LUCK TO HAPPINESS LOVE! CATS! Candy! EXIT GAMES!! SOFA BOAR! You better! CARLOS MONTERO best! ))

Talk about cutting down on map size. lol

Epic stats. Me gusta!

Damn that’s going to take all day to download.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.