Anyone here play DEFCON [Introversion]? It’s hard to find a match these days, and if anyone’s interested we could do a few organized matches. Just a thought.
So you are trying to get people to play with you on an unpopular game/mod?
Own it, never installed it.
Buying and installing. I always meant to. I had the demo, and it was a lot of fun!
Some men just want to watch the world burn. And for one, I am part of this minority.
I’ll be up for a game whenever I can.
If it wasn’t unpopular, he wouldn’t need to ask, would he?
europe master continent represent
That game is one of the few strategy games I’d be willing to play in MP.
Mainly because it’s awesome.
If you set up a game and I’m on, I’d play. If I’m at work, I’ll tab out a lot (depending on how busy I am) but I’d still try to be there when the shit hits the fan.