I actually use it as demo, if devs are too lazy to give us propers demos why not try the game without paying it before you waste your money ?
I pay for games I believe good, and for those that I have doubts, I try them before, I don’t think this is being a pirate
To get back on the subject :
This is a really awfull game ! But there are always apple-like fan boys proud of wasting their money and trying to make people think the product is worth it :retard:
This game is worth a 8/20 for a 2010 pc game, Probably a 14/20 for console fags tho, they love meaningless game.
And shit magazines of pc games reviews or websites give even more, around 16/20 because if they don’t give those games good reviews the game editor will never let them have their hand on other games.
I remember reading a PC GAMER who gave 18/20 for The Matrix : Path Of Neo, I bought it and played it, and holy crap it was one of the worst games I had ever played…
But in the end, if you REALLY think this game is good, that means you are very tolerent to game mediocrity. I’m not