Saw a while back, it’s posted in the game trailers thread.
I almost cried when I watched the trailer.
And then I demanded gameplay.
Dead Rising meets Crysis
I hate when people say “X meets Y”.
It often makes absolutely no sense. Why can’t it be like what it is?
Most modern games seem to try really hard to emulate what’s popular and successful. It’s kind of like everything wants to be GTA or Halo or CoD.
Don’t forget WoW!
Dead Rising had a drunken one night stand with Crysis and 9 months later out came Dead Island
is that better?
everything with a gun tries to be doom.
i’m going to try and pretend you didn’t say that, because I really hate making fun of special people.
Return of the Living Dead meets The Walking Dead, but sharing a format with Left 4 Dead and Dead Rising.
Someone please ask california if it can make a zombie thing without “dead” in the title
Resident Evil, it have no “Dead” in the title.
It’s like that other game with the zombies and the guns in it. OH WAIT.
Bye bye dual-core CPU… And I will NOT buy an nvidia card for the PhysX. FUCK PhysX.
At least we can chop off zombie heads again.
Even Wolfenstein 3D.
All first person shooters want to be Wolfenstein 3d including Battlezone.
All games with tanks want to be Battlezone, including Tank.