Computer not starting

Last night I unplugged my computer (a dell Inspiron 620s) and left it unplugged overnight.

Today, I plugged it back in and it’s not starting up again. The power supply light on the back is on, and there’s a glowing orange light inside the case for some reason, but the power button light in front is off, and nothing happens when I press it.

I have no idea what the issue is, but googling it suggests the PSU might have failed, even though there’s no apparent reason for it to have done so.

Does anyone have any idea what the issue might be?

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

That’s funny.

After doing some more research, it seems that the issue might be with the power button itself. Any help would be appreciated.

cut the wires leading to the power button and short them to simulate a button press

if it starts, you need a new powerbutton, otherwise you need a new PSU

make sure to disconnect the wires to “let go of the button” otherwise your PC is just gonna reboot continuously

I’m not sure I want to cut the wires. It seems a bit drastic. Plus there are about six of them leading from the button, and I’ve never played with electrical equipment in my life.

Edit: Apparently you can short the pins with a paperclip somehow?

Edit: I tried to test the PSU with this paper clip thing but I couldn’t get the fucking ATX connector free.

never test DELL power supplies, you might catch your house on fire

dell always fucks around with the placement of the pins on the ATX power supplies

just try the button, unplug the buttons from the motherboard and try to turn it on with the paperclip

I might try that if I can find a pair of rubber gloves, thanks.

However, I’ve been looking it up, and apparently the issue might be that my PSU is insufficient for the GPU I bought some time ago. This, combined with leaving it unplugged for awhile, could that cause nasty issues?

Alright, I tried touching a screwdriver and a paper clip to the prong on the power button thing; no response at all.

Yes, it is recommended to run your PC at about 60 to 80% power usage, it will run at 100% power usage but the PSU can’t really handle it long term.

Your GPU is pretty beefy right? Maybe your PC does have a standard ATX port in which case I definitely recommend a new power supply with at least 2 12v rails and 500W total output.

Does an HD 6570 count as beefy?


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