Computer Hangs

I have this problem, my computer hangs and sometimes resumes. I’m banned in CSGO and I’m in low-priority matches in DOTA 2 because I can’t reconnect in time. So I’ve stopped playing until I solve this problem.

Sometimes I restart my computer and find that my computer can’t detect my HDD. It’s still connected though but in the BIOS it’s not detected. So I Pull the Sata connection and reinsert it. Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

Every now and then it corrupts my OS so I have to reformat. My computer holds on for an hour or so, then hangs again. I restart and continue. Until it corrupts my OS again, then I reformat again.

I already bought a new HDD and the problem didn’t go away. The technicians in PC Express couldn’t help me.

The RAM works fine, the temperature is fine… I’ve cleaned up my computer to no avail. I also already replaced the SATA wire and it still didn’t work.

You guys are smart, any help I’ll appreciate it. :slight_smile:

get a pci sata card or a new motherboard

also if you have a cheap no-name power supply that could be the cause as well

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