COMMUNITY PROJECT - [classified] HECU identification for Xenians

We held auditions for a new hgrunt voice a while back, and we have found our new actor, Michael Tsarouhas.

One of our primary goals during the rerecord is to also overhaul the hgrunt response rules.

That’s where the Black Mesa Community Hivemind comes in

The hgrunts have been referring to all of the various Xenians as “uglies”, “bogies”,“aliens”… But those generic lines don’t really help the player understand the particulars of the battlefield.

We want their reactions to the world around them to always provide valuable information to the player, especially in the middle of a chaotic combat sequence.

We’d like your help creating unique names for every Xenian.

Ideally, names would either be descriptive enough to identify the interdimensional interlopers or inform the player of their attacks and tactics. (e.g. calling a Vort a “shocker”)

Let’s do one together. I’ll pull a critter off the wiki


So, I’ll pretend I’m either an hgrunt spotting one of these little monsters for the first time, or maybe I’ve just seen a swarm of these lil’ guys consume a the rest of my squad.

What do I say when I see these beaked bastards raining down from an open vent shaft?

Red Roach! Red Ant! Fire Ant! Bug Eye! Swarm! Tics! Tic Attack! Swarmers!

Just let out a stream of conscious spew of possible names. Give it a shot! It’s fun.

Submit whatever unique names comes to mind while perusing this GALLERY OF HORRORS:

We’re looking for short, snappy, 1-2 word entries, not sentences!

Thanks, folks!
The Black Mesa Team appreciates all of your continued support and contributions.

Benjamin Truman
Story Lead - Script, Voice, Choreo

Headcrab: crab, head humper, mindfucker, leaper, zombifier
Zombie: zombie (duh), shambler, moaner, mutant, vampire
Barnacle: big cyst, strangler, ceiling stalker
Houndeye: shocker, cyclops dog, insectoid, beholder, shank thing
bullsquid: spitter, walking octopus, charger, puker, acid spewer
Agrunt: brute, steroid shit, gorilla, canned flesh, knight, wasp lord, wasp shooter, hivemind
Gargantua: titan, giant mech, colossus, juggernaut, behemoth, walking tank

Snark: Biter, Flea, Tic (as already said)
Headcrab: Brain Bug, Spider, Face Crab, Mind/Skull/Facefucker
Barnacle: Decapitator
Houndeye: Shockdog, Thumper, Tripod
Vortigaunt: Shock Trooper, Arc’r
Bullsquid: Spitter, Puker,

Headcrab: frozen chicken, french kisser, hugger,
Zombie: qutie, professor, clown
Snark: cricket
Barnacle: licker, hanger, climber, climbing rope, hooker, fisher, whip, flogger
Houndeye: piggie, banger, pounder, pinger
Bullsquid: vomit tank,
Vortigaunt: buzzer, humpy
Agrunt: soldier, can head, spartan,
Gargantua: angry mama, welder, godzilla, goliath, leviathan

It could be a good idea to use their real names once in a while for some of them, since someone named them during BlackMesa operation or 7 hours war.

Headcrab: Bugger, Crawler, Sucker, Crab, Head-eater, Face-eater

Zombie: Walker, Lurcher, Moving Body, Mover, Dead Man Walking, Mawman, Ribcage, Headless, No-face

Snark: Roach, Killer Roach, Squeaker, kamikaze bug, 'Sploder

Barnacle: Noose, Living Noose, Fishing Line, Tripwire, Thorny bulge, Red bulge, Red line,

Houndeye: Pack, Stripeys, Blue-rings, Squealers, Screamers, Shockwave, Tigers, Little tigers, tiger-dogs, Bang bang

Bullsquid: Octo-crocodile, Leopard squid, Land squid, squid with feet, Tentacled monster, upchuck, Feeler-face

Vort: Slaves, Greenies, Sparkies, Snaggletooth, Hunchbacks, “Gala-lungs,” Three-hands, Three-arms, cyclops, mermen, LGMs

AGrunt: Shock troops, brawler, hornet’s nest, queen bee, bee shooter, big greenies, turtles, armored, Leaders, Big guy, Big fella, Buff, Lobster-claw monsters

Garg: Flamer, Juggernaut, Big Blue, Stomper, Blue Tank, Dino, Dinosaur, Dragon, Blue dragon

Edit: What does it mean that this thread is “classified”?

Headcrab - Chompers, Brainbiters
Zombie - Rotters, Cadavers
Snark - Chirps, Bedbugs
Barnacle - Stickers
Houndeye - Hoppers, Tripods
Bullsquid - “Yogs”, Mouthbreathers, Squidface
Vortigaunt - Sizzlers
Agrunt (Alien Grunt) - Meat-sacks, Meat-heads
Gargantua - Pulverizer, Giant

Headcrab: Latcher, Facehugger (HECU grunts could always take cues from the Aliens colonial marines), lil’ fucker, parasite, crabs,

Zombie: Walker, Zombie, Stumbler, Crabbed, Latched, Infected, Bleeders

Snark: Bugs, Swarmers, Scurries, Rushers, Space Fleas

Barnacle: Chokers, Ceiling-Dewellers, Fly Fisher, Alien Trap, Booby traps etc

Houndeye: Bulldogs, Ear(drum)-bursters,

Bullsquid: Spitters, Davy Jones, Acid face, Space squid

Vort: Shockers, Electricians, Green fucks

Alien Grunt: Tankers, Andre the Giant, Wrestlers, Grunts, Beekeepers

Gargantua: Flamer, Godzilla, Bunker/ Tank Buster, Colossus

Here’s my attempt to make names, as said, I kept them simple and descriptive. An asterisk * denotes a suggestion by someone else that I like.

Scientist, Labcoat, Civvie

Guard, Blue

Hopper, Jumper, Parasite, [COLOR=‘Silver’]Facehugger*

Zombie, Host, Puppet

Piranha, Chirper, Ankle Biters

Roof Monster, Roof Puller, [COLOR=‘Silver’]Alien Trap*

Eye Dog, Shock Dog, Shockwave

Acid Spitter, Bullchicken (throwback to HL1 alpha :stuck_out_tongue: )

Alien Infantry, Electric Soldier, Shock Trooper

Alien Grunt:
Heavy Infantry, Hive Trooper, Bee Trooper, Armored Alien

Dragon, Demon, “We need AT weapons!”, [COLOR=‘Silver’]Behemoth*

Manta Ray:
Alien Aircraft, Flyer

Alien Generic:
Monster, Echo Tango (NATO phonetic for Extra Terrestrial),

I was thinking along the lines of “nicknames”, but more professional military-esque names is actually a good touch. Maybe a mixture of the two could yield some pretty good results. At times, they would refer them my a more informal nickname, ex “brainbiters”, while other times, they will reference them by Echo Tango or X-Ray (Extraterrestrial or Xeno).

I really like the idea of the marines using things from popular culture to identify xenians (like the headcrab = facehugger)

Crabs, headhumpers (obvious, though some call them that by HL2 so it makes sense there’d be a root for it), parasites, leapers

Headcrab Zombie:
Zombie, infected, claws, bones, maws

Bedbugs, cockroaches, beetles, boot bait

Grabber, tongue, noose, hangmen

Dogs, screechers

Calamari, spitters

Shocktroopers, 3-arms

Agrunt (Alien Grunt):
Ogres, hives, grunts

Big-guy, stomper, kaiju, flamethrowers

Headcrab: Jumper
Zombie: Deadcoat
Snark: Critter
Houndeye: squeak toy
Bullsquid: Squidosaur
Vortigaunt: Collar
Alien Grunt: Armour
Gargantua: Big Blue

Ichthyosaur: fish head

Sorry I could not resist it…

No but in all seriousness aliens is shocking and a one and all encompassing name that would suit all.

I like head humper a lot well done that person who said that.

“Those things” god I would not know what to call them… “Monsters”

Keeping it real

I think if you define the different types of aliens then you go down the road of establishing that they have had a prolonged exposure to them when as the clock ticks Black Mesa spans about 2 days and 1.5 days with HECU involvement as they get their asses handed to them.

I would like to hear re-actionary lines though say a barnacle grabbed a marine an we hear “No Get it off me!”… “Help, please no!!! God!!!”

“It” is another good word.

Before I found out what they were called, I called the barnacles “tongue things”. I think that might work in this context as well. “God, there’s a lot of these tongue things here.”

Headcrabs - Headhumpers, facehuggers (obviously)
Zombies - Zombies (duh), Shamblers
Snarks - Swarmers
Barnacles - Beheaders, Noose-Eaters
Houndeye - Blast-Hound
Bullsquid - Acid-Squid, Splasher, Cthulu-face
Vortigaunts - Boltfingers, Hunchbacks
Agrunts (Alien Grunt) - Brutes, Hornet-hands
Gargantua - Goliath, Titan

(I may have used some names from lp’s I’ve watched :stuck_out_tongue: )


Crabs, zed makers, latcher’s, cat things.


zed, wisky delta, claw coat, nightmare


tick bombs, acid bugs, squeakers, alien grenades.


neck breaker, living rope, idiot bait,


jumping bean, alien dog, screechier, bug eye, dog thing


Hp’s dog (H.P. lovecraft reference) tentical thing, acid spitter


slave’s, zappers, red eyes, alien fodder, greased lightning (more a nickname for there attack), sith lizards

Agrunt (Alien Grunt)

big boy, bee gunners, hornet gunners,


pyro beast, living tank, impervious f*cker, killer.

Headcrab: Clinger, headfucker, zombiemaker, spiderbastard
Zombie: Necrotics, ex-humans, knifeclaws
Snark: Alien bug, boombug, dickroach
Barnacle: Tongue, tentacle, living noose, maneater
Houndeye: Walking ham, soundhound, puppy
Bullsquid: Sprayer, chucker, vomit machine, hentai nightmare
Vortigaunt: Taser, bolt, zeus, shocktroopers
Alien Grunt: Footsoldiers, bee shooters, stingers, armoured units
Gargantua: HOLY FUCK, dragons, hellbeasts, cyberdemons, widowmakers, ex-wives.

Headcrabs- Facehuggers
Bullsquids-Cthulhu dogs or Snot Monsters
Vortiguants-Zappers or Minions
Alien Grunts- Galactic Stoners

Headcrab: Headhumpers, Crabs, Brain Eaters, Bugs

Zombie: Zombie, Zed, Stumbler, Corpse, Mawman (old name for HL1 Zombies), Necro

Snark: Bug Bombs, Acid Ants, Termites, Land Wasps, Locusts, Hives, Biters

Barnacle: Tongue, Eater, Anteater, Idiot Trap, Sucker Trap, Mouth, Big Mouth, Tentacle

Houndeye: Bug Eye, Bug Dog, Bug Wolf, Wolf Bug, Bomb Dog, Screecher, Screamer, Barker, Sonic, Wolf Pack

Bullsquid: Squiddie, Squiddle, Spitter, Chucker, Tail

Vortigaunt: Little Three Arms, Little Green Men, Little Green, Greenie, Shocker, Electro, Red Eye, Slug, Slug Men, Goblin, Collar

Alien Grunt: Big Three Arms, Big Green, Big Daddy, Big Hand, Big Buff, Bug Shooters, Orc, Ogre, Helmet

Gargantua: Big Crab, King Crab, Fire Crab, Mr. Tank, Tank Man, Tank Walker, Big Blue, Giant, Goliath, Stomper, Dragon, Crusher

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.