Hi everyone. The Black Mesa Hazard Course captions are now available! If there are any issues regarding compatibility with these versions, please let the PSR and I know immediately.
[COLOR=‘Red’]Status: Version 1.32[/size]
Patched Maps (Bases for Closed Captions Updates)
Patched Maps (Surface Tension Uncut Base)
Captions Update for Stock Base:
Captions Update for Surface Tension Uncut Base:
The bases above include patched maps for the Inbound chapter (c0a0a - c0a0c), the last On a Rail map (Patched version of TextFAMGUY1’s map is also included in case you have OaR Uncut installed), map c2a5g for Surface Tension, the first Forget About Freeman map to resolve captions bug (ST Uncut Base uses patched version of TextFAMGUY1’s map), a game_sounds_manifest.txt file (one of them modified to be compatible with Surface Tension Uncut), and a game_sounds_ambient_generic_cc.txt file for the scripts. The captions updates include more corrections and fixes for the captions and new captions for the VOX lines. Several of them also include a scenes.image file to make more than one mod work properly.
Before installing one of the 2 bases, you will need to backup the Inbound maps (c0a0a - c0a0c), the final On a Rail map c2a2c, map c2a5g for Surface Tension, the first Forget about Freeman map in the “maps” folder, and the game_sounds_manifest file. Once you backed all of these up, you can extract either version of the bases to the “BMS” folder. After that, backup your closecaption_english files in the “resource” folder, download one of the versions of the Closed Captions Updates and extract any version of them to the “BMS” folder. **
If you have downloaded On a Rail Uncut, you will have to locate the bm_c2a2c and folder named graphs in the BMS folder. Move both of these into the maps folder. You should be prompted to replace a couple files or so. Click yes.
[COLOR=‘Red’]** If you’re planning to download any mods for Black Mesa, please install them into your BMS folder before doing this.
Known Issues:
1. Several of the captions in the Inbound chapter and the final On a Rail map fade out before the line is completely heard.
1. In map C0A0C, this caption fades out at 'biotechnology"
2. In the same map, this caption fades out around “contact your radiation safety officer immediately”
3. In map C0A0B, this caption fades just after the dialogue is finished. It should fade out a couple seconds after the dialogue ends.
4. In the same map, this caption fades out at “electrified rails”
On a Rail
1. In the last On a Rail map, this caption fades out after the HECU VOX says “remaining”
2. In the same map, this caption fades out after the HECU VOX says “8…”
I don’t know how to fix this issue as all I can do with Source SDK is edit the captions and compile them. If anybody knows how to fix this issue, please let me know. I really want this mod to be as polished as it can.
All of the screenshots are what the captions are before they fade out early.
Edit: Fixed as of v1.31[/size]
Special Thanks:
Valve - For creating the Half-Life universe.
Black Mesa Devs - For creating the Black Mesa game.
BM Translation Community - For patching the Inbound maps, the last On a Rail map, the last Surface Tension map (stock version), and the first Forget About Freeman map to get the captions to work properly and also adding the VOX lines from Anomalous Materials to On a Rail.
TextFAMGUY1- For creating Surface Tension and On a Rail Uncut.
Ulrik - For helping Text fix the Forget About Freeman captions
Hezus- For creating the Uplink Mod.
Dadster - For creating the first version of the Closed Captions Update Mod.
Kyruma - For helping Dadster out with some questions he had.
TSL16b - For finding a solution to fixing the issue where captions in the Inbound chapter and the final On a Rail map fade out before the lines are completely heard.