look im trying to find all the bit and pieces to make this game work im not really having any luck/ I downloaded the mod off the Australian mirror site only to find im missing 2 components to make it work the exe file why the hell there was no exe file included beats me. and the other file which I think I need which is the BlackMesa.md5 file which I can’t get any where I found it on file front but I can’t download it for some reason, can some one clear this up because really seems to me this installation tool where really slap happy which I find funny seeming these people spent years of there life building the game only at the end when they go the share it go oh fuck it that will do.
Ok update/ iv try’ed the torrent the dev’s provided and it does not work all it gives me is a news tracker which I can’t make to do any thing, can some one clear this up because this is ridiculous no way should it be this hard.