Can't access website?

Hi, so for the past few days, I’ve been unable to access the BMS forums, the BMS homepage, and the wiki. It keeps timing out. This happens from both my PC and iPhone when using wifi; using 3g or a proxy (like I am now) lets me access the website. I didn’t make any network changes so I have no idea what is going on.

ISP: Verizon FiOS

Any ideas?

I’ve had the same issue. I can access it on my phone, but none of my PC’s.

I had the same thing, but it has cleared up now. Odd that it only disappeared for some people in some areas. o_O

you could try an alternate DNS server like openDNS

It’s fine now, thanks though. No idea what it was.

Yeah I couldn’t access it either. Couldn’t get my forumy fix, lol.

Fixed for me as well

Yep, I was getting the time-out as well last night. Seems ok now, but I’m still getting an occasional 500 Internal Server Error today.

For the passed few days, I haven’t been able to access the real website, only the Cloudflare version, most of which doesn’t work.

Oddly I’m not having any trouble at work here.


Okay back home, and it works here too, finally.

I´ve been getting the time-out for most of the day

any advice from hubi as to why this is happening or when its likely to stop?

I was unable to access the website for two days. Cloudflare errors. Seems to be okay now.

Hubi, know what’s happening?

if you can’t get out of the cloudflare error for longer than 24 hours, clear your cache and it should be okay

ipconfig /flushdns

I did all of that and still couldn’t get access. I tried it from my computer, my laptop, and my iTouch, and my brother’s computer. All of them got Cloudflare errors for over two days.

Huh I never ever got any Cloudflare errors. Strange.

I hadn’t been able to sign in for nearly 3 weeks. :frowning:

lets hope this situ puts the nail in the coffin then…

Yo! We are officially working with CloudFlare to resolve all these issues. Their service is to improve your experience rather then deteriorate it. I will keep you updated.

So far, so good. I’m back in the forums now (at least, currently). Thank you very much for helping with this, Hubi! mwah!

All issues have been resolved. CloudFlare is now our friend, treat it well fokes :slight_smile:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.