BM Intro Logo - Crowbar Collective

Keep in mind - this is just a proof of concept. I used the Valve 2013 logo. I had to find the correct font for the text below ‘Powered by Source’ which took a couple hours to find - then I had to make an enormous amount of adjustments to it in order to fit right, look like, and feel like the real Valve logo. Since Crowbar Collective is the official name of the BM dev team - I used their official logo.

If popular enough, I supposed I could edit the startupvids.txt and render this as a bik file. But I’d like to hear what people think of it first.

Crowbar Collective Logo - Proof of Concept

It’s a bit jarring to see the Valve logo be turned into the CC logo, as if it was theirs, but it’s a decent proof of concept.

I agree, BuzzKillington, if you’re going to do this for real, perhaps you could use a different image and replace the music in the intro with a version of “Anomalous Materials” ? I think that would look pretty good, though I don’t know what you could replace the valve-man with.

I think, if they were to have a Valve style opening at the beginning, it should be something entirely new from the guy with the faucet-handle on his head.

I’m thinking a crowbar on a cement floor that’s splattered with blood. A hand in an HEV suit snatches the crowbar off the ground then lifts it like Excalibur into the air, to form the “Crowbar Collective” logo. New music, too.

^ ^

Is this close to what you want?


Someone leaked our intro video!

i think you should have a guy with a crowbar sticking out of his eye instead

I personally would suggest something like a hand raising a crowbar followed by more doing the same in the background, one for each major member of the team. Think chain reaction first one comes up then the next 2 or 3 then the rest. Though this is what I think would be cool and I know it would probibly take to much time.

Though IF I know one thing about copy right they will need to keep the source logo in, and maybe the valve with a “story by” thing.

Bringing the thread back to reality…

I’ve begun experimenting with the idea of holding up the crowbar in Source Filmmaker. Development is preliminary at this time so I have nothing to show. However, I will continue working on this until Xen comes out. (As I expect CC will have made their own logo by then)


So I decided to make my Proof of Concept Logo public. To install this, unrar the archive and place both files in BMS/media. As for right now - I’m getting used to working with SFM. I should have a proof of concept using SFM + Adobe After Effects in a week or so. Anyhow - if you liked the POC - here’s the link to the .bik (Rad Game Tools is fortunately free now, so bik’s are easy to make :smiley: )


Enjoy :slight_smile:

Just a few bits of critique here. I know it’s a proof of concept.

  1. Watch the irising out at the end. You can see the Valve logo briefly while the Crowbar Collective logo is irising out.
  2. When the Crowbar Collective logo is showing, there is a visible boundary line between the image’s background and the background of the video.
  3. I’m not sure they’re going to want to use Mr. Valve at all. Or the Half-Life music. They’re probably going to want all new assets on that front. Possibly some short stinger by Joel Nielsen. Just letting you know. :slight_smile:

Already took this into account :wink: I’m trying to find a spot somewhere in the BM sound track that will fit what I have (so far, in SFM). Don’t plan to keep Mr. Valve head (I might if it fits. Put something under it that says ‘Original game by Valve Software’ but that’s unlikely) Therefore, the only thing I’m keeping from the POC is the ending (Powered by Source)

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.