That’s just a technicality, they put in just as much work into their games as indie games. Maybe even more in some cases, like BMS for instance.
I think portal should be in there, along with GTA4 and Max Payne, if they asked for everyone’s opinion they would have a top 1000 games of the decade.
“O.K.” is short for “Oll Korrect”, so “OK” is okay. Look it up, motherfuckers.
@those peope bitching about Invisible War being number 1.
This was NOT a list of the BEST games of the decade. It WAS a list of the MOST INFLUENTIAL games of the decade. Invisible War was such a disappointing game that it effectively shattered the belief that a company could always deliver. It started people buying games on an individual basis rather than submitting to brand loyalty.
Audiosurf was great, but definitely not worthy of even being in the top 20s, and certainly not 3. On a slightly unrelated note, where did you get that awesome sig UnhingedMouse0, I love me some Gluon Gun! :jizz:
Thanks, I made it acourse!
The pic is from the wiki, under weapons… if you didnt already know there were a TON of new/old screenshots added somewhat recently. :jizz:
Ah, Andrew Jackson. So lovable. So wrong. All the fucking time.
I could swear that half you people don’t even read most of the posts here. The guy before you just posted that its the most influential games, not the best games.
Also, despite everything, Invisible War did have a good story line, it’s just that the gameplay itself was crap. People do seem to not notice the story line because of that problem.
And why is Vampire: Bloodlines on there? It was a good game, but not very influential, due to HL2 being released at the same time. Portal or something should replace that.
or is it “zero killed…”
edit: my friend is incorrect. It is Oll Korrect. :facepalm:
Invisible War wasn’t good…OR influential. Honestly.
Influential doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s progressive. Maybe they put it on as a “what not to do” sort of thing.
yeah, I looked it up, hence the edit. My friend had told me (that day actually) that OK came from soldiers coming back to their barracks and writing 0K or 2K for zero killed or 2 killed or whatever, which eventually became ok for everything’s all right. But obviously he’s incorrect.
Ok, topic thanks.
So how about that BM Coverage in Austrailian PC Powererplay?
Pretty opinionated, should have talked more facts.
EDIT: I just realized how pretty out avatars look when they alternate and you scroll really fast. We should do this more often.
First of all, hi guys
I’m wondering, I’ve been looking through this thread and I didn’t find that promised pdf format of the article, so if I missed it maybe could someone provide me with the link, od if not, could someone PM me the scan…