Blast Pit Redesign on Wiki

Recently an archive of text and screenshots of Blast Pits was found dating from 6/12/05 to 5/15/06. Lucky for you it was decided to upload a few of the screenshots and information. I have uploaded the first 4 dates leading up to 5/15/06 for now as a teaser.

Something’s moving, cool ^^

Sweet! Thanks for the archived screenshots. It’s pretty interesting seeing how a map evolves like that.



Thanks, JamesKane.


toda rabah


Yeah, thanks for the upload!

Cool story bro.

where is rest ?1/1 fuuuuuuuuu

I’ve seen all of those, back in 07 when the .plans were online.

Hey, this is pretty cool! It’s nice to see a bit more of the process that lead to all the awesome screenshots we have right now. Gives me personally, an even bigger appreciation and admiration for you work you guys are doing. :slight_smile:

Mediaz!!! :fffuuu:

Except not really.

Thanks :awesome:

I’ll post some more next week as this week with finals and E3 I do not have time to prep materials.

Thanks man :slight_smile:

Nice, thanks. BUT MOAR NEW CONTENT PLEASE. Thank you :slight_smile:

There it is, folks. You wonder why more media doesn’t come out. There’s your answer. :facepalm:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.