Friend showed me this a little while before it was released, it’s only 15$ and I wanted to know if any of you guys had tried it before. Say what you liked and what you didn’t, all that jazz.
No dedicated servers and Windows Live convinced me not to bother. Its really just a crap job console port and they’re already working on a sequal so don’t expect nearly any post release support.
Played the demo on the 360, it was crap. Battlefield 1943 is pretty good though, they’re certainly not rushing the PC release of that
It is one of the most unoriginal, generic first-person shooters on the market. The controls handle like crap, and the atmosphere is just as crappy.
for any fps besides half-life(and some other choice exceptions) this is all you need to know.
if the aim down sights doesn’t work, it sucks.
such is the case of blacklight.