Black Mesa on SSD

Clean Windows 10 install on an SSD and I popped Steam Black Mesa on it with a noticeable difference in load times.
Much more fluid all round.
I’m not sure how much most of the newer games would benefit from the speed of an SSD, besides, it’s a question of space.
Well chuffed. :slight_smile:

I have found lots of things benefit from an SSD. 3ds max loads tons faster as an example and photoshop is almost instantaneously started. Amy of the games I have on that drive load really fast. They are cheap enough now that you can have a 1000 gig ssd without breaking the bank.

Any chance you could provide us with some hard data on this in terms of comparative load times? I’d collect and post it myself, but I don’t really have a desktop setup here with me.

Not a benchmark or anything. Just google SSD comparisons and you should have a pretty good idea.

Mechanized magnetic disk technology has been holding back computing for too long. Solid state storage is the future and everyone should embrace it as fast as possible. Everything benefits from it.

Yeah, I think going full-SSD will be my next big PC upgrade goal after a new GPU.

Hopefully more devices using NVMe and some of the other recent massive speed/capacity boosts will be reasonably affordable by then…

You should notice benefits but remember that load times also depend on you RAM

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.