Black Mesa logo wierdness

Is it just me or is there a big black bar over the Black Mesa logo? I put this here because I’m not sure if my computer is fucking up somehow or what.

A fucked up computer cannot edit a webpage by itself, someone has put it there.

It’s in response to the SOPA/PIPA Internet censorship bills in the United States Congress.

it’s because BM is now 18+, the only way to prove you are of the correct age is by PM’ing Raminator your credit card info and processing a 0.01$ payment to ensure the info is correct.

:facepalm: good job buzzkill you buzzkilling killer of jokes

Thank you.

Yes over 10000 websites have been “artificially” censored to protest against sopa/pipa, supposedly google was going to do it but didnt end up doing it (it´s only for today, the 18th) I have personally joined by doing a redirect to the website about the protest when going to

Google DID, however, censor out their logo on the Google homepage.

I tried .ca, .com and mobile and none are sensored for me

They only put a black-out censor box over the logo here. The search results are still fine.

Here’s what it looks like to me:


I suspect it only affects those who are actually from the US.

"Previously known as “Black Mesa: Source’”. Will it not still contain Source in the end?

It’s probably over now.

yep, still not sensored here.

damn google and their pinpoint accuracy on IP location (some sites still mess up and put me in new york or toronto)

lol IP location.

Google knows everything about you, they don’t need IP location.

It’s still using the Source engine, obviously. They’ve just been asked by Valve not to use Source in the name.

No black bar anywhere

The SOPA protest is over.


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.