Black Mesa is released!

Awesome so far

If the main tracker goes down, add mine: (limited to local torrents only).


Installation completed flawlessly. I’ve maxed out nearly every setting and went into the game.

I managed to play until the bullsquid encounter. I’m taking my time and enjoying every detail, dialogue and interaction, while also attempting to break the game doing silly stuff :stuck_out_tongue: .

The inbound level was breathtaking. Then, Black Mesa came alive as an active research facility, and then… came the zombies!

Fantastic remake of the original, so far. It is changed and yet it feels exactly as the original did.

Thank you, black mesa team you are all awesome.

Is this the German version of BM, or just a German mirror?

Congrats for the work and thanks alot guys !.. Now let just hope BMS will run on my shitty computer

Still downloading. Torrent using simultaneously two connections (1mbit + 3.5G = 2 to 5mbit) due to a perfectly timed failure of my 10mbit broadband…

Map is really different, you didn’t just copy all ideas and tweaked them up graphically, but you made something new, which I’m glad for (so far, getting the crowbar is very different from HL1). Vorts and houndeyes are tougher and more dangerous than in HL1. Installation is flawless, like guy above said. It feels different and familiar all at once.

Having only 25kb/s download speed with upload speed 1mb+ :confused: Well, thank you again devs, you did the great work!

Do the BitTorrent leechers:
And don’t forget to add udp:// do your announce list. gameupdate was down here.

EDIT: 14,955 seeders, 26,733 leechers!

Fastest way to download the game is via torrents. I have downloaded quickly and in just 3 hours uploaded to others 25GB.

At some point I’ve had a really immersive surround sound experience.

Exactly timed with the first vortigaunt teleporting into an office room, there was a real lightning outside very close to my location. The room lights went off for a minute (the pc is on UPS so is was still on :smiley: ), and the thunder sound made the windows tremble. It was a damn excellent coincidence.

This is just a mirror, because there is no version of BM for any special language. There’s only one international version - the ingame language will be automatically set by the language of your installed steam.

Btw, ‘’ is a very good mirror, I have downloaded many other free programs there, too.

Back to topic: I’m totally in love with BM. Great map design, awesome gameplay, great graphics, epic soundtrack and a great voice cast. :freeman: :slight_smile:

Thank you so much, dear developers. :’( :slight_smile:

I am now waiting for the game to download, i would be playing it if it weren’t for school!

I also had a “funny” moment: When I played with a computer in one of the labs, the computer there crashes to a blue screen and my computer’s desktop (xorg with wine) freezes… :smiley: :smiley:

Definitely worth the wait.

Awesome so far!

57gb uploaded and counting :smiley:

I forgot today was the 14th so I am a little behind still downloading.

A M A Z I N G the details and the whole setup is beyond words, congrats on a job well done

Awesome Mod :slight_smile:

There are a few bugs like the “zombies” at the beginning of the game fall through the ground when they die and the music when you put on the suit is too loud and too long.

BUT the mod is awesome :wink:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.