Kudos! Black Mesa is awesome! I never played Half Life so finding this updated mod with better graphics and such was great. It is hard to believe it was free. I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent playing this game. But I’m guessing that if you play you already know because this thing is huge! I will probably play it again and again at harder level settings.
The puzzles were sometimes hard but well worth it. The graphics, music, and sound effects were spectacular. I played it in 3D on my 32" Visio TV; That made it even more fun. Y’all did a fantastic job on this mod. Wow! And thanks for all the hard work; We do appreciate it!
I was wondering if anyone here knew about any other games that had been released for free like this. I know Descent I & II are out there (Unfortunately they are sitting on Descent 3 and letting it wither.) But there must be some other free quality games out there also. I know a lot of the old DOS games are out there but I am looking for more modern games/mods like Black Mesa. Games I can play in 3D with modern equipment and Windows 7. Any ideas?