Black Mesa is almost here so how about some Murphy's law?

Since BMS is on the edge of release, it’s that wonderful time on Earth again where Murphy’s Law kicks into effect and the universe does everything within it’s power to screw with your Friday/weekend plans. Even now this phenomenon is working against a select unfortunate few to prevent early chances at finally playing Black Mesa! If you are one of these people post about it here, it’ll be just like group therapy! :’(

For example my weekend was pretty cleared up until a bunch of surprise obligations and other things suddenly fell into my lap yesterday, and now I’ll be super busy until Monday! What about you guys? Maybe you’ll wake up Friday morning to find your PSU or HD dead. Perhaps a giant storm rolls through the area and you loose power for a few days! Maybe a drunk drives into the part of your house where the computer sits.[/SIZE] Who knows what could happen? Tell me your stories of despair.

Aren’t you Danny Smith

[COLOR=‘DarkOrange’]How about no? Moved to offtopic.


Huh, maybe I had a moment of idiocy and forgot this forum was still a bit of a cesspool. lol my mistake!

What happened with all the previous posts and threats? And to my signature as well?

i wonder if he has released Danny Smith (the mod) yet

hows possibly having to move (to nowhere in particular. With nowhere to store my stuff) as soon as this weekend for murphy’s law? :frowning:

A general power failure, which wouldn’t be out of the question here in Buenos Aires.
Still, I’ve got a torch…

I alternate my weekends between staying at my house and my fiancée’s house. Unfortunately this weekend I spend at her house.
Oh well, she hasn’t seen any of the Alien or Predator movies so I’m bringing over the majority of my collection.

Shoot, I have to work until tomorrow evening… and then there’s the Community Garage sale on Saturday which I will undoubtedly ride around instead of playing this remake of Half-Life.
Oh well, I was gonna wait until about a week after BM hit steam to download and play Black Mesa anyway.

That doesn’t sound too bad.

What if you died on Friday and there were no video games in heaven

I just found out that the internet will be shut off in my apartment building tomorrow for stupid maintenance. Bad fucking timing. I wish there was someone responsible for this I could yell at for some sweet catharsis.

Use your phone’s 4G tethering to download the game

I don’t have a phone :frowning:

Phone’s are for interacting with other humans. Who the hell needs that?

Don’t diss him, that was the best mod.

I had a phone when I used to live in Toronto. Now I’m living right on the border with the US and my phone company thought I was IN the US and wanted to charge me 2 dollars per minute, so I cancelled it.

I didn’t have a data plan anyway…

Find some guy who has one on craigslist, since you clearly have no friends. Pay him to use his 4G to download the game.

OR take a laptop/flash drive to your local internet cafe and do it there

No 4G = no friends? What, is this the 7th grade or something?

I have a land line. There’s no internet café in this shitty small town. Also, no need for a cell phone since I’m only here temporarily. Jeez…

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.