Black Mesa interview on Rock Paper Shotgun

Reading some of those comments on RPS actually makes me wanna put my hand through their screens and backhand them a couple of times.

Response to “simultaneously lowering frustration and confusion”

I played and beat Half-Life 1 when I was sixteen. I found the difficulty perfect; there were tough and smooth problems. Some problems took me hours to get past with the use of saved games and perfection in execution. I think the game was so much more rewarding when I finished: I felt like I actually accomplished some thing. It was a ton of fun. It seemed like the confusion lead me to explore more, making playing the game feel more authentic.

Those bump and specular maps!!!

Absolutely. I love the original Half Life, but differentiating between actual doors and door-textured indents into a wall were a frustration. Giving the player visual cues as to what is interactive/aesthetic is key to an enjoyable gaming experience and is certainly not ‘dumbing down’.

From the little I’ve seen of BM, this has been nailed down to a tee.

I think much of the difference between aesthetic and interactive just wasn’t possible in the same way with the limitations at the time, so it’s only natural it’ll be there now.

Funny thing is, though, that in a few years the difference might get smaller again.

i’d assume Part 2 would be up soon, its been 24 hours since part 1.

Speculation commence.


I feel that i just remembered why i came here for the 1st place: a mod


Sometimes… I feel like hitting people repeatedly. eye twitches

Oddly true.

The comments are funny :smiley:

Other than that, the interview is cool with few insights on BM working apparatus.

I completely agree.


Oh, and also the shit about the mod.

I really gotta stop reading the comments on there… I’m gonna give myself an aneurysm from yelling at stupid comments.

:cries: Really?!

I would actually think that would make people more excited as it makes this not just another Source mod where you’ve seen all the props and models before in HL2. It baffles me that they just want a HL Source with better textures instead of a game built entirely from scratch.

It’s all based off of Half-Life 1 though, the people on RPS are just stupid.


Nobody can be that fucking stupid.

If only I could still believe that.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.