Black Mesa: Blueshift

Blek Meas: Barneys Quest


Black mesa: the escape


Black mesa: they don’t pay me enough for all this s**t :slight_smile:

Balc meas: Berney and frends

Balc Meas: Bert and Ernie

The Government Edition

How about Black Mesa: Blue Shift like in the thread title? o.O

edit: oh we’re doing this again, I missed a page

Beer Mesa: Catching the Bar Tab[/SIZE]

Okay so i’ve changed the area 3 security lobby up a bit to fit more with berney and frends.

I’ve made it so all of berneys frends are in the lobby and they fight zombies.

Okay so not really, but i have started the lobby and all of the first section! :smiley:

Do you create your own Guard Duty Mod?

So the ride with the tram is complete?

Nice tease, I remember this area.

I jumped down in Blue Shift and got a reaction of a scientist about this.

First u need to get ur gear on the shooting range, also ur armor, then u can get through the lobby.

I remember also a security room with screens where u could have a look on the monitors, only a piety u couldn’t switch between cameras, so u could see the lobby of Sector C and such (same setup as in the complex, so not cameras on points where there are none in BM)

But continue, would like to see more of this…!

The gina model could be replaced temporarily by a female scientist.
I wonder what the resonance cascade scene looks like here.

Looks like Berney and Frends will be the name of the addon :smiley:

So say fucking solar beam…
I mean Bisasour!

I’d tone the gore down, some. It looks like you just figured out how to use the decal tool and went wild, heh heh. Otherwise it’s lookin’ pretty nice.

Needs more gore i think.


Need some suggestions for these next two :frowning: i’m running out of ideas

Especially for this one:

I’ll splice up the walls and such but i’m talking about major details, if anyone had any suggestions i’d really appreciate them.

I’m thinking of doing the main lobby black mesa style, however without the large column section that connects to the roof maybe?

Woops double post :stuck_out_tongue:

e.g. Some posters at the wall with the slogan:

Join the Black Mesa Security Team for all the excitement u want!

Question: did you use the BM maps for the part where Barney bangs the door to enter the facility and the tram tracks leading up to it?


very nice

expected that answer though, would have been pretty stupid if you hadn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, this mod is a extra to the base, so we see parts of the base not seen in BM. And it’s great u reuse real parts so it doesn’t look weird…

Those monitors in the security room show the real parts of BM, with the cams on right places?

I know there were three monitors where u could see Black Mesa

BTW, nice touch those cantina upstears where normally u only have vending machines


Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.