Black Mesa Blackout?

It seems that a lot of websites (both large and small) are following in reddits footsteps and blacking out on January 18th in protest of the SOPA and PIPA bills. Is there any possibility that this site could do the same?

Read this article for more info:

do YOU want to deal with all the butthurt assholes when a primarily International forum goes down in order to protest an American Law?

Well, there is alot of primarily international sites doing this, and this could very well become a problem that starts here, and spreads elsewhere.
Edit: Even wikipedia is debating a blackout, and i dont have to tell you that site is used internationally.

If so we’re gonna have to wait a whole other 12 hours before this mod is released. I cannot commit to such heavy demands.

^Implying the mod’s progression toward completion relies on the online status of this bbs

Closing this forum would have little to no impact tot he cause.

The mods might like a break though.

You might find this interesting, the white house are pretty much opposed to the current format of the bill so it’s not going to get published without some major amends anyway.

I can. I’ve already been waiting for 3 years now, and that’s not even half of how long some people here have waited. Half a day is nothing.


It would only lead to some of us getting bored at work >_>



The devs maybe, but the mods are pretty chill and seem to leave most everything to the devs on the forums.
(observer’s view, mods egg on people trolling/flaming each other and shit doesn’t get real until Raminator comes in and hands out bans, could be more behind the scenes stuff mods do here)

This bill should be taken a little more seriously, it essentially infringes upon our constitution and takes away freedoms that we as Americans are entitled to. Theyre excuse is "copyright and piracy protection’, but is that a good excuse to take away freedom of speech?
Fuck No.
So what if a blackout affects international sites for a day? this bill could shut international sites down permanently if it goes into effect.

Debating is going on at camp Mesa. You will just have to wait and see if we actually partake in this event or not.

I think it would shine good color on Black Mesa to do the same, but that’s just my opinion.

I agree with dragon, its not necessary, but it would really give a positive image for the dev team, and maybe even a sign to some that the mod is alive, in an ironic kind of way.

if they’re doing it to look good they might as well not do it

Well, looking good is more of an incentive, along side the actual cause.

“Opponents of the bill include Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Twitter, AOL, LinkedIn, eBay, Mozilla Corporation, Roblox, Reddit, and the Wikimedia Foundation.”

I really can’t see what Black Mesa will add to the cause alongside giants like these. With people like Google and Facebook in the opposition I can’t see how this bill stands a chance anyway.

And, if anyone actually read the article I linked to, most importantly the White House.

I’m afraid if the site shuts down, many people would think something’s going on with the mod and speculate it would come out the next day :expressionless:

Actually no, they’ll be panicking instead, wondering what the fuck happened to their Facebook and Gmail.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.