Black Mesa 2009 Update

homepage update reminder.

Hello, Carlos. Thank you for being honest with us.

Now, to get something constructive out of this, I’d like to ask you one thing:

Please, tell us which areas of the game you’d like some User input for (if at all).

I have not contributed to this mod in any way that Raw Bean would consider worthy, so it may sound strange that I would be asking for that, but rationally – people are still suggesting things that probably are already done by now, so if you narrow the scope of expected user input, you might get people more focused on things that matter.

Let this be a warning:

Any trolling, flaming, whining and general shit-stirring will not be tolerated. You will get one warning and if after that your account will be permanently banned. I know this sounds harsh but it is necessary to prevent large numbers of new users joining and creating trouble. Older members I will be more lenient with, as most of you are well behaved and follow the rules. My banhammer is itching for some action, guys, just test me.

Hey if it means a better product so be it. But it still better come out in a few months if not sooner. :frowning:

I keep reading Carlos’ post over and over.

Well this is ass I was waiting for this. Now I cant wait no more :frowning:

Are any of the team discouraged by this?

i guess you can change your sig now amirite? :smiley:

I doubt it.

Haha, yes. Yes indeed. Can’t until tomorrow though, as I previously posted.

I would laugh so much if the devs are trolling us, and right now they are uploading it to mirrors everywhere and tomorrow they will go LOL OWND!!! DOWNLOAD NAO!!!

There are so many games to play between now and March next year so this doesn’t really bother me.

I also doubt this

I have to finish Mario Galaxy :confused:

They’re not.

MARCH where does its say MARCH!!?

It doesn’t; that’s what’s called a guess.

I see the two developers in the thread and I keep hoping one of them is writing a long post or something. Reading long developer posts is just as good as development videos IMO.

I’d feel more safe aiming for a February 29th release.

1st of Janurary they’re just fucking with us

We dont need ANOTHER mod release speculation thread. Stop guessing a release date already.

More of a hypothesis.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.